shes just not into me

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After what seemed like hours of walking the group arrived at a little house in the middle of nowehere, it was very quiet and they decided to set up camp for the night.

Sasha and Aleah did a walk around the house to clear out any stray mumblers, they were very confused as the house was completely empty, not a mumbler in sight.

Once everyone else was safely inside Leather and Aubree got to work on securing the building so that mumblers couldn't get in while Lexi and Sasha headed out to find food.

Lilah was heartbroken over Jack and went and locked herself and baby Perri in one of the bedrooms. Everyone thought it was best to just leave her to grieve, of course the whole group were upset after losing Jack but to Lilah he was family.

Leather grabbed a bottle of water after his search of the house and looked at Aubree. "Hey Aubree, can I talk to you?" he asked in an unusually polite manner.

Aubree nodded "sure thing Leather." she was intrigued.

He sipped his water. "Are you.. Uhm.. single?" He asked uncomfortably with a slight but very awkward winking.

Aubree just laughed. Then she realised he was serious. "yes, very much single why do you ask?"

Leather grinned. "Well.. I'm single, you're single.." he hinted.

Aubree smiled. "Yes, Lexi is single, Quinn is single, Bruce is single. we're all very single people.." she smiled brushing him off.

Well that was a interesting conversation Aubree thought to herself, she knew Leather was weird but that conversation was beyond weird it crept her out a little.

Leather felt very embarrassed and awkward so he went to Quinn and asked her "how do you tell someone you like her?"

Leather was about to wish he had kept his mouth shut because he was in for a hell of a night.
Quinn had so much to tell, she thought she had been in love so many times and she knew how to please the lads and ladies.

She grabbed some paper and a pen and began to write down her list of rules.

Quinn's rules to dating women;

Rule number 1; Don't lie to her, tell her the truth always.

Rule number 2; never tell her she's not worth it.

Rule number 3; show her off to the world, no one likes to be your dirty little secret.

Rule number 4; Tell her she's beautiful with and without make up

Rule number 5; never talk about an ex girlfriend unless asked..

Rule number 6;  date nights are a must.

Rule number 7; never ask why we eat some much or so little, just feed us.

Rule number 8; never call a women Crazy, she will show you crazy.

Rule number 9; Don't feed us to a mumbler, always put her first.

Rule number 10; Don't share our love to you mates. (aka bragging)

Quinn put the pen down and looked at Leather who looked very confused.

"Well babes I think that cover's everything don't ya think??" She grinned. she was pleased with herself.

Leather face platted the table. "I wish I never asked.." he rolled his eye's and lit up a smoke.

Aleah had a thing for Leather, everyone could see it except for the main man himself.

He was so clueless because he really did like Aubree, he didn't like the fact she doesn't like him though, he really doesn't take rejection well...

"Can we all play truth or dare" Aleah asked as she walked into the room and took Leathers smoke, he of course grabbed it back and gave her a stern look.

"Truth or dare's for losers" He answered coldly.

Aubree walked into the room and smiled. "I'm up for it."

Leather soon changed his tune. "Why not I'll give it a go.."

Lexi put all the younger children to bed and checked in on Lilah.
Everyone else sat in a circle, Sasha was the first one to spin the bottle... it landed on Bruce "truth or dare" asked Quinn.

Bruce shrugged. "truth"

Quinn smirked "is it true your a virgin??"

everyone laughed, except Aubree of course.

Bruce blushed. "Dare."

Aleah jumped in. "I dare you to kiss Quinn."

Quinn licked her lips and winked. "Pucker up baby" she said as she applied her glossy pink lipstick.

Bruce went over towards Quinn nervous as hell and went in for a little peck, but Quinn grabbed his head so their kiss could last longer, poor Bruce's face was as bright as a tomato.

Quinn then spun the bottle it landed on Leather.. "Truth or dare." She smiled.

Leather shrugged it off. "dare .."

Lexi looked at Leather and then to Aubree. "I dare you to kiss Aubree"
at this point everyone was watching to see if he would actually go through with it.

Aubree tied her hair back and rubbed her lips together, Leather breathed in his hands checking his breath didn't smell, and lent in for a gentle kiss.

It was a very slow and passionate kiss between friends, but Aubree felt like she was kissing a brother.. it wasn't at all what she expected, he was a very handsome guy but She really liked Bruce.

She didn't let Bruce know that, she was hoping when it landed on him one of them would dare him to kiss her.
she had all fingers crossed at this point.

That kiss lasted longer than expected she was thinking about someone else while he was trying to find something between them that really wasn't there.

"Let's just play spin the bottle, since everyone is daring the other to kiss" Lexi grinned when it got to her turn.

she spun the bottle, she couldn't wait for the game to be over, she wasn't a games kind of girl.. she definitely acted like the older one of the group.

It landed on Bruce. She was not impressed.

Lexi looked at Aubree who looked back at her. Lexi didn't want to do that to her best friend so she just laughed. "This game is for kids. I'm okay"

She got up and walked away from the game. Leather jumped up. "I'll go talk to her."

In the kitchen Leather asked Lexi what was wrong.
"I can't kiss the guy my best friend likes!" Lexi said.

Leather nodded in agreement. "You're such a good friend to her, let's just have a drink together." He was disappointed that Aubree liked Bruce though.

"We're 16, we can't drink. well.. I am." Lexi laughed.

"In a world with no adults age Doesn't mean a thing" leather grinned.
He was right of course, so they grabbed a drink while the game Carried on in the living room.

The game got a little crazy, Sasha spun the bottle and it landed on Corey. There was no way she could kiss her brother so she ran to the kitchen, grabbed Leather and gave him a firm kiss on the cheek.

Leather and Lexi just laughed. Aleah on the other hand looked like she wanted to knock Sasha out but of course Sasha wasn't bothered in the slightest.

After that kiss everyone decided it probably wasn't a good idea to keep playing, Quinn complained that there wasn't any hot guys to kiss besides Leather, And the fact Leather was a crazy guy made her want to kiss him even more.

Everyone laughed, besides Aleah again.. The group decided to turn in for the night. Lexi and Leather were still enjoying a vodka and coke so they agreed to be night watch.

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