Meet the gang.

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Leather woke up with a jump,  nightmares haunted him all night.

Who had done that to his mom?
should he thank them or shoot them?
he wasn't sure. All he knew was he had to find out.

Climbing out of bed he went to the bedroom door, opening it, he saw Quinn's bedroom, the door was slightly open he couldn't resist but to pop his head in.

She was fast asleep, cuddling a teddy, 'oh how the others will taunt her if they know she sleeps with a teddy' he thought to himself, but at the same time she looked adorable, not in the least bit scary.

Once downstairs he put some pop tarts in the toaster, looking out of the window he saw Aleah.
she has fallen asleep on the steps outside.

Did she really have nowhere to go? He notices a mumbler walking towards her.

"Damn, she's toast" he said to himself as the pop tarts pop out of the toaster.
He tried to forget about her.

He didn't want more people invading his personal space. He was already stuck with Quinn and to be honest he was pretty scared of the girl.

But Aleah was pregnant with his niece or nephew, he couldn't let her die.

Grabbing a calving knife from the draw he made his way outside, stepped over a sleeping Aleah and plunged the knife into the mumblers chest, pushing the mumbler backwards against the tree and impaling him to it.

"Wake up sunshine." He  called out to Aleah, rather annoyed just by the fact she exists.

Aleah grumbled and woke up, not happy about being woken.
"Dude, I was trying to sleep" she said in a grumpy tone as Leather walked back in the house.

She got to her feet and followed him. 'What's his deal' she thought to herself Jay hadn't really talked much about Leather, he was a mystery.

Once inside the house she looked at the pop tarts and orange juice on the table.
"Eat" Leather demanded, and then continued to make himself breakfast.

Aleah sat and the table and begins to eat the pop tarts, she couldn't remember the last time she ate something that wasn't beans. It tasted so good.

Quinn woke up suddenly "fuck, shit, damn" she said as she sat up.

This wasn't unusual. Quinn always woke up like this.
She looked at the teddy in her arms and smiled, this teddy she couldn't sleep without.
She tucked it under her pillow, she didn't want anyone to know about it.

After climbing out of bed she brushed her teeth and walked down the stairs, upon seeing Aleah she groaned loudly
"What is she doing here? Today started off so well."

Aleah rolled her eyes and continued to eat her food unphased. Leather looked at Quinn and smirked "you looked like you were sleeping soundly. What a cute little.." before he could finish Quinn cut him off

"I dare you Dexter, you say one more word..." she glared at him.

Leather was shocked, no one used his real name in this world, but Quinn had read it on the jar. he knew not to push Quinn, she was scary.

Quinn walked over and took the pop tarts from Leather. "Fucks sake" he said "I will get my breakfast eventually."

Quinn just smiled and winked at him
"Cheers babes."

Leather sighed and made yet another lot of pop tart, he wasn't liking these living arrangements. Something had to give.

His first plan of action was to get rid of Aleah. Quinn he could deal with for now.
"Come on Aleah" he said impatiently "you're going next door."

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