The Debt.

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Quinn had just shot Jack. But was he dead?
Of course not Quinn was smart, She just knew they wouldn't mess with her crazy ass now.

After all she had only shot Jack in the leg, nothing that could damage him but it was enough to stop him from thinking he could lie to her. You really can't trust anyone in a world like this.

Jack screamed out in pain.
"Liliah if I don't make it, look after Perri."

Leather snorted a laugh away
"Is he serious? it's a little gun wound, little pussy." He walked off into Walmart, punching a mumbler straight in the face on his way.

Lexi looked at Quinn feeling pissed and asked "where did you get a gun?! I want one."

Quinn replied with "My dads a cop babe you should see what else hes got.." she stopped and corrected herself "I mean had.. I had to kill the fucker."

Jack still confused watched Leather leave "who is he?"

"Oh, He think he's the boss" Lilah said angrily.

Quinn smirked, she liked Leathers attitude.
"He seems nice" she said while chewing her gum.

Lilah was furious with Quinn
"Who do you think you are, shooting my brother?!"

"Just leave it" Jack said, clearly in agony.

Quinn watched Jack squirm
"Well this will teach him a little lesson not lie to people in the future." She said feeling proud of herself.

"Normal people don't shoot people they just reason with them!!!" Argued Sasha.

"And who are you little miss sassy pant" replied Quinn as she lit a smoke.

Leather walked out with a needle and sewing kit, ready to sew Jacks leg up.
Jack looked at him, clearly terrified
"you aint touching me."

Leather leaned over towards Jack and showed him a previous scar he mended on himself.

Quinn is very impressed "Gosh, that's so badass."

"You ain't got much option mate, if I don't get that bullet out of your leg, you will get compound hematoma. which is a spontaneous atrial hemorrhage, if you want to keep your leg you will let me do it.." Leather said feeling rather smug with himself.

Sasha frowned "what is a spontaneous hem-me-Nona" she tried to repeat what Leather said.

"Jack just let him try, what have you got to loose?" said Lilah, just wanting her brother to be okay.

"A leg.." replied Quinn laughing, everyone looked at Quinn in disgust and she bit her lip "Too soon ..?"

Leather grabbed rubbing alcohol and proceeded to clean around the wound,
"Obviously it will hurt a bit" Leather said to Jack while shoving a cloth in Jacks mouth "but not as much as being shot."

He got some tweezers out of the packet and began to dig around for the bullet "I've got it" said Leather as he pulled it out impressed with himself, just seconds after Jack passes out.

Leather grabbed a cotton swab and a needle and started to sew Jacks little wound up and clean around it.

Quinn was very intrigued with the gentleness of Leathers movements and the cleanness of the sewing.
"Where did you learn to sew like that?" Asked Quinn.

"Oh never you mind" replied Leather concentrating. "All done" he said.

"But he owes me big time now.." Leather added in a deep voice.

"He doesn't owe you shit" snapped Lilah angrily. "if it wasn't for you all this crap wouldn't of happened."

"Oh yeah because I shot the guy didn't I" replied leather feeling annoyed.

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