Quinns Secret

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The group had been on the road for what felt like hours but was actually only 40 minutes.

The rain was pouring down hard and it was starting to thunder, Lilah kept skidding her bike. It was hard to control in the wet.

"Guys I need a break!" Lilah shouted to the group as she skidded again.

"Turn into this news agents here. We can grab a drink and wait for the rain to stop." Quinn called back.

The group headed to the corner shop and went inside, Leather and Lexi took out a few mumblers that were around and secured the doors as the others dried themselves off.

"I got redbull" Aubree said excitedly. She was a redbull addict but it hard to get in this world.
The group all took a can each and downed it. Lilah didn't like the taste but she drank it anyway.

"I'll find some snacks and stuff." Sasha said as she put her drink down and went for a mooch.

The group sat and talked about what they might find in Weston, they would be there soon.

"Quinn come here." Sasha shouted from the other side of the shop. "Alone."

Quinn frowned and looked around the room, everyone looked at her, they wondered what Sasha wanted Quinn for.

Quinn rolled her eyes and got up and walked to the back of the shop. "What's up Sass." She sighed.

Sasha held up a newspaper and Quinn's face dropped. It was a story about her father appearing in court.

On the front of the paper was a picture of Quinn's father Kobe, underneath was the words 'Famed Drug Dealer Appears In Court' below was a picture of Quinn with her father.

"So what's this about?" Sasha asked Quinn accusingly.

Quinn knew she couldn't lie. "Well that's obviously my dad isn't it. That's clear to see."

"Was he guilty?" Sasha asked.

"No." Quinn shrugged and went to walk away but Sasha pulled her back.

"Don't lie to me Quinn. I've had you around my kids, you've been around baby Perri, I want to know the truth." Sasha sat on the floor. Quinn took a seat next to her.

"Okay fine he was guilty, he was the worst kind of man, he lied, he cheated, he—"

"Killed?" Sasha cut Quinn off.

"Yes Sass he killed." Quinn said bluntly.

Sasha didn't know what to say. She looked at Quinn, Quinn was tearing up at this point.

Sasha knew Quinn wasn't a bad person. "That doesn't mean you're like him, my dad wasn't very nice at the best of times either."

"But I am just like him." Quinn sighed quickly wiping her tears.

"You shot Jack yes, and you shot Blake, but you're not a bad person, you did it to survive." Sasha said trying to defend Quinn's actions.

"That's not everything." Quinn said in a whisper.

"Okay.." Sasha frowned and grabbed a pack of quavers and handed Quinn a pack. "So tell me everything." She said as she began to eat her quavers.

Quinn looked at the quavers and then looked at Sasha. "I killed a man when I was 13."She said bluntly.

"You were younger than me! Why would you do that?" Sasha was shocked.

"My mom cheated on my dad, he was livid. So he took me to a squat and shot my mother dead in front of my face, then he handed me a gun and made me shoot my moms lover." Quinn frowned at the memory. "I didn't want to do it but my dad didn't give me a choice.. I.. I just.." Quinn broke down in tears.

Sasha moved closer and cuddled Quinn. "You're not a bad person, you were a child, you did it because your father was an asshole that made you do it. You didn't know any better." Sasha sighed.

"That's not everything." Quinn sighed.

"Go on.." Sasha coaxed.

"By the time I was 18 my dad told me I would be taking over the family business. I wanted to be a doctor but my dad didn't let me go to school, he said he needed me at home to take care of stuff. I didn't have an education and I couldn't make anything of myself so I knew it was my only choice but I really didn't want to do it." Quinn paused for a minute and then carried on.

"I went down to the basement and looked at all his stuff, guns and knives and bags upon bags of cocaine. I just stood and looked at it. I didn't want that to be my life so I did the only thing I could do."

"You destroyed it?" Sasha asked hoping that was all Quinn did.

"No.. I waited for my dad to get home, I grabbed the first gun I could find and as soon as he walked down them stairs I shot him in the face without even thinking."

Sasha was shocked. She didn't know what to say.

Quinn carried on. "I felt like I was finally free, like no one or nothing could hurt me. All the people my dad had made me kill, I always felt remorse. I always wondered about their families and if they were good guys, but when I killed my dad I didn't feel any of that. I knew I was free of him and I didn't have to be the person he was making me be anymore."

Quinn wiped her tears and looked at Sasha who was still listening to her. "My sister Keira was living her own life and she wouldn't miss my dad, I wouldn't either. I knew I was going to prison for what I had done but I didn't care. I still felt free.
I locked my dads body in the basement and carried on with my life just waiting for the police to turn up and arrest me. That's when Keira turned up and she turned into one of them, and then the world went to shit and no one ever found out about what I had done." Quinn finished her story and wiped her tears away.

"Okay.." Sasha said blankly.

"Come on, I'll tell the group." Quinn sighed as she got up. "I understand if you guys want me to go my own way now."

Sasha got up and grabbed Quinn's hand pulling her back. "I won't tell anyone."

Quinn was shocked by this. "Why?" She questioned Sasha.

"Well because I know you, the group need you, we wouldn't still be here without you a Leather helping us along the way. They don't need to know the old you, they know the new you and that's what matters. Now sort yourself out and come and join the group again." Sasha said with a smile and waited for Quinn to sort herself out.

Once they arrived back to the group Lexi looked at Quinn and frowned. "What were you two whispering about?"

Quinn went to answer but Sasha cut in. "I wanted to know about periods and stuff since I haven't started mine yet." She said with a shrug.

Everyone looked around feeling uncomfortable, they didn't ask anymore questions. It was an awkward topic for the group.

They all had some shacks and dried off while they waited for the rain to stop, they still had a few hours before sundown so they could get a few more miles in before they would have to rest for the night.

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