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This is a little bit about Elliot.
He was Aubree's baby brother.

She had raised him from birth due to her mothers alcohol problems and their dad leaving again.

He was such a beautiful boy, so smart and playful, Aubree taught him all he knew, she watched his first babble, him take his first steps and his first words were ABBA(aka Aubree)

She thought to herself 'his smile would light up the sky, he looked more like dad than mom, it was shame dad missed out on his first year so much happens on the first year!'

That's where you find out there personalities, she had always thought to herself he's going to be a doctor when he grow's up, he's going to be a ladies man! Everyone will fall at his feet but he will always put his sister first, they had a that kind of relationships.

He was a very well behaved baby, he loved sleep, didn't wake up much in the night for feed's which was a bonus for Aubree's mom and her drunken ass!

Aubree always told Elliot when he was sleeping That she would always protect him.

Aubree kept a picture of Elliot next to her, when she felp asleep in this mumble ridden world, she could look at the photo and smile. It also made her feel like she would never forget his beautiful face. It's impossible to forget that face though and Aubree knew it.

A Few days before the end of the world as Aubree called it, Elliot was in her moms care and he had a bump to the head. he was rushed to hospital her mom said he bumped it on the door, the size of the lump though, Aubree felt sick.

'My poor boy' she had thought to herself  as she sat next to him in the hospital bed.

She shouted at her mom "why wasn't you watching him!" Her mum just mumbled at her. Obviously drunk.

Aubree knew she was drunk, it wasn't even 3pm When she had got a call from school to say her brother had got rushed to the hospital they didn't tell her why.
Since her dad had left, her mom had turned to alcohol.

Aubrees dad was having an affair with next door neighbour for about a year while her mom was pregnant with Elliot.

Aubree knew her dad didn't want another baby, he didn't even want her! She wasn't really a daddy girl. He just tolerated her.

He worked most the time, She knew her mom and dad were having their rough days but she never thought she would have two homes by the time She was 13!

Aubrees Dad filed for divorce not long after Elliot was born, Elliot was early due to stress and Aubrees dad always made excuses to not come see him in the hospital.

So Aubree took the roll of 'mom' her own mom couldn't really look at Elliot.
After he was born Aubree learned to change nappies and feed him from watching YouTube tutorials (She hated leaving him when She had to go to school, half the time She didn't turn up)

social services got involved because She was skipping school and they wanted to keep an eye on Elliot, people were saying he wasn't being looked after properly.

So Aubree got strict with her mum, she told her if she didn't pull herself out of the gutter she was going to loose Aubree and Elliot.

That they would take her kids away from her.

Mom found her a new job, And Aubree gradually took the alcohol away from her. She had a few drinks in the evening, that was it.  social services popped in every week.

After Elliott bang to the head, Aubree and her mom went home to gather some clothes for him to spend the night.

While at home they had a call from the hospital saying Elliot had a bleed on the brain and needed surgery urgently.
This crushed them a family, Elliot had only just turned 1!

Aubree ran to his room and sobbed, she grabbed his teddy out of his cot and held it so tight. She wanted Elliot to be safe.

She grabbed some extra clothes and his pacifier and headed to the car, where her mom was speechless.

Aubree could see tears running down her face in the mirror. She sat in the front with her mom and grabbed her hand and said "We've got this he's going to be fine."

Then they headed to the hospital to see Elliot. The doctors wanted to do tests on him, he was full of wires, there were so many doctors in the same room at the same time.

Aubree just couldn't hold her tears in, her mom was no where to be seen.

Aubree wondered if she went out for a cigarette, But Aubree wouldn't leave, she stayed with Elliot the whole time.

She promised him She would never leave his side.
She had snuck a little elephant out of the children's ward when they weren't looking.

The doctors were trying to make them believe there was a cure but they both knew there wasn't.

Aubree put the elephant next to him to comfort her little brother.
"You're the bravest boy I've even met" She whispered to him holding his hand while he slept.

At this point he was getting lifeless, and drained, he slept most the time now. She went to get her and her mom a hot drink out the vending machine.

She said to her mum "don't you leave him for one second."

Her mum replied with "I won't I promise."
She was unsure about her moms promises, they did no good any other time.

As Aubree waited for the drinks to pour out the machine it was the longest few seconds of her life.
Finally they finished, she walked fast back to Elliots room, as She got to the room she had a really bad feeling.

There were so many doctors around him waiting for her to come back.

She looked at Elliot and they said
"I'm so sorry there is nothing we can do, we can't cure him, what ever we do for him with just prolong it, all we can do now is make him feel comfortable until you decide to turn off the machines."

Aubree heard heard her mom scream, She felt angry at her, why was she so upset? She never cared for this little boy. He was Aubrees baby. Her mom didn't know his favourite song or favourite food. She had no right to act this way.

Aubree felt numb. A few hours in her mums care and this is what happened to baby Elliot, She wished she had just stayed with him, he wouldn't be here now.

She sat next to him and took him from his cot, wires hanging everywhere.
She sat and cuddled him, singing twinkle little star, it was his favourite.
She didn't want him to suffer anymore.. Aubree reached over and turned the life support off, this wasn't fair on her little baby. She held him close to her and sobbed as he took his last breaths.

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