New Laws

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Back in the shop Leather took the floor and looked around the group.

"So it's come to my attention that we need some rules, kind of like the new laws.. see the old laws said murder was illegal but if that were the case we would all be in prions so.." Leather shrugged.

"Not me, kids don't go to prison." Sasha grinned.

"There's no adults Sass. From now on you are a young adult." Leather said and Quinn nodded.

"Leather is right, 0-12 year olds are kids. 12-14 are young adults and 14 plus are adults. This is the new order." Quinn crossed her arms and looked at group. "Leather. Please continue." Quinn was intrigued by this topic.

"Okay, in a new world we need new cops, 14's and overs only. I volunteer myself.. boys?" Leather looked at Bruce and Blake.

"Erm excuse me very much but I want to be a cop. Don't start another sexist world." Lexi rolled her eyes.

"Oh you're dating the cop so now  you wanna be one too!" Sasha grinned.

"We are not dating." Lexi blushed.

"I'm sorry, any volunteers for the cop job? Brat you need to learn to shoot." Leather looked at Lexi, she could handle that so she nodded.

"I want to be a doctor." Lilah cut in. "I know basic first aid and I can read up on other stuff."

Leather nodded in agreement. "That sounds good to me. Savage you can be a lawyer since you love to screw people over." The whole group laughed.

"Bitch I run this show." Quinn smirked. "All new world rules need to be signed off by me."

Leather grabbed a pen and paper. "Right, rule suggestions please."

"Sexual activity under the age of 16 is illegal. The age of content remains 16." Lexi looked around and everyone nodded in approval.

Leather wrote is down.

"Murder of the human kind is an absolute no." Quinn said. "You can wound another human if they threaten you but you do not murder anyone besides mumblers."

Leather listened and kept writing.

"Kidnap should be against the law too, right?" Lilah looked around the group.

"No stealing from other camps!" Sasha added.

"Don't give weapons to children. Under 12 year olds." Bruce was confident with his rule.

"Don't leave another person to be eaten alive if you can help." Aubree crossed her arms.

"Ooookay.." Leather said as he finished writing.

"So the rules are as follows,

No under age sex.
No murder of the human kind, unless absolutely necessary to survive.
No forced followers/group members. All should be willing.
No looting other groups belongings.
All firearms are to be handed by over 13's only.
And finally help a human I need when required.

That will do for now.. Everyone in agreement?" Leather looked around the group.

Everyone nodded their approval, they were all happy with the list.

"We can't stand around here all day we need to see what Boo's mom left for us, come on." Quinn said as she got to her feet.

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