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"The plan Savage! What's the plan!" Lexi shouted as she felt the mumblers begin to push the doors harder.

"Sass, Boo, help them hold the door shut! Lone Wolf come here." Quinn shouted and then group did as they were told.

Quinn ran over to a newly dead mumbler on the floor and grabbed one arm, Bruce grabbed the other and they dragged it towards the doors.

"Some how I don't think they're going to attack a dead mumbler over us!" Aubree shouted. She thought Quinn's plan sucked.

"That's not the plan." Quinn pointed out and she grabbed a knife and slashed the mumblers stomach open.

"That's grim." Aubree said, her face went pale and she looked like she was going to puke.

"This isn't going to be great for you then." Quinn smirked and she plunged her hands into the mumblers stomach and then proceeded to rub mumbler guts all over Aubree.

Aubree squealed like a little girl, she even vomited all over Leathers feet.
The smell was like nothing she had ever smelled in her life. It was vile and toxic and she didn't want it anywhere near her.

"I'm sorry babes but we don't have a choice." Quinn sighed feeling bad.

"Hit me." Lexi said holding her arms open, she realised this was actually an amazing plan and the groups only chance of survival.

Quinn laughed. "You're a good sport babes." She rubbed mumbler guts all over Lexi, Lexi suddenly regretted volunteering to be next, the smell was repulsive and she didn't want it all over her.

Bruce realised Quinn was covering everyone so he got to work pulling out guts and covering the other members in them. He wrapped intestines around Leather neck and grinned. "Aww pretty Princess."

Leather did not look amused at all. "You're lucky my hands are kind full right now pal." He said and pushed harder against the door.

After a while all the group members were covered in guts. "Right, when I count to 3 you guys let go of the doors. Wait for all the mumblers to walk out and past us, then we go inside and shut the doors behind us okay?" Quinn asked the group. They all nodded.

Quinn sighed deeply, she hoped her plan would work but she had to act like it was fool proof so as not to scare the other members. "1...2...3!" She shouted.

On 3 Lexi, Aubree, Sasha, Lilah and Leather let go of the doors and stepped backwards. The whole group froze as the doors flew open.

Lilah took a deep breath as the mumblers walked past her, one got right up to her face and sniffed her, she could see it's skin hanging off around it's jaw and it's missing teeth, she could smell its death breath and toxic skin. Her eyes filled with tears as she felt pure fear.

Quinn saw the mumbler in Lilahs face and slowly walked towards her trying to blend in. Once close enough she grabbed Lilahs hand and gently pulled her away, Lilah had been frozen in fear and unable to move.

"Come on babes. Let's get you inside." She whispered to Lilah and took her inside the building away from the mumblers.

Lilah was just thinking about Jack, about how scared he must have felt when he was surrounded by mumblers and knew he was about to die. Lilah had never been so close to death in her life.

Sasha was the next one to head inside, the mumblers completely ignored her as she slowly walked to the doors. Aubree followed behind her, Bruce keeping close to his new girlfriend.

"You okay?" Lexi whispered to Leather as the mumblers headed over to them.

Leather just shushed her and bit his lip. One mumbler got right in his face, sniffing him and groaning, this mumbler knew Leather was human. He opened his mouth and went to bite Leathers cheek, Lexi jumped into action and swiftly jammed a blade into the mumblers head.

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