On The Road Again.

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Inside the apartment Aubree was making breakfast for the group.

Aleah walked into the kitchen and saw Aubree making tinned hot dogs, eggs, beans and potato waffles.

"I'm a vegetarian." Aleah said as she took a seat at the table.

Leather was getting sick of Aleah by this point. He grabbed a plate from Aubree and smiled. "I'll deal with her."

Leather took the food to the table and put the plate down in front of Aleah.
"Enjoy your breakfast that Aubree didn't have to make for you." He said harshly.

Aleah was in a foul mood as always. "But I'm a—"

Leather cut her off. "A vegetarian? In a world where any little bit of food is a gift? Of course you are."
He grabbed her hot dogs and stuck one of his plate and one on Bruce's plate.
"Better Princess?"

Aleah rolled her eyes and began to eat her food, she knew she wasn't doing well at fitting in.

Sasha and Quinn came back inside for their breakfast.

"What's it like out there?" Lexi asked as she chewed a waffle.

"It's quiet at the moment, but I've seen a fair few mumblers around.. I don't think we can stay here." Quinn said to the whole group.

"I knew I should have stayed with the others. We're all going to die out here." Sasha said dramatically.

"No one is going to die babes. You're my side kick so definitely not you." Quinn said smirking. She had a soft spoke for Sasha.

"So what's the plan?" Asked Bruce shoving a sausage in his mouth.

"We need to find food, medical supplies, something to wear and then move along." Quinn voiced her opinion. She didn't want to move on but they didn't really have a choice.

So everyone finished their breakfast and packed their few belongings. Everyone had learnt to travel light.

Aubree grabbed what food was left in the apartment, just a few tins of beans, noodles and some pasta. It wasn't much but to them it was the difference between eating and not eating.

At the door everyone was ready to leave when Quinn opened her bag. "Who knows how to shoot?"

No one answered, until now they had all used whatever was at hand to take out the mumblers.

"I've never even held a gun." Sasha pointed out.

"You're like 11 babes. I ain't giving you a gun." Quinn smirked.

"I'm 13" Sasha said with a pout. "And I don't want one." She did want one.

"Good because you weren't getting one." Quinn said harshly. "Lexi? Aubree?"

"Nah I'll stick to my pocket knife thanks." Aubree smiled.

"Me too, it hasn't let me down yet. I'm still here." Lexi agreed.

"Leather, Bruce. Pick your poison." Quinn grinned.

Leather approached the bag and took out a small hand pistol, Bruce opted for a glock.

"There is a condition." Aubree said looking at Bruce. "No drinking while you have a gun in your possession."

Bruce sighed. He didn't know how he would cope but he agreed. "Yeah of course." He said quietly.

"I'll take the biggest one thanks." Aleah said approaching Quinn.

Quinn couldn't control her laughter at this point. "Oh honey I ain't letting your hands anywhere near a gun." She said zipping the bag back up.

Aleah wasn't happy with Quinn's decision but Aleah was the one that had pushed for someone to be in charge of the group so she couldn't argue.

The group began their walk, with no destination in mind. They just knew they needed to find somewhere to stay.

"On your left." Sasha shouted to Lexi.

Lexi grabbed her pocket knife and plunged it into a mumblers head as he went for her throat.
"Thanks Sash." She sighed.

"Oh hey! That looks like Mr Conner!" Lexi exclaimed looking at the now dead mumbler on the floor.

"Oh my gosh it does! Except this guy is cuter." Aubree giggled.

"He's a rotting corpse." Leather reminded them.

"You obviously didn't meet Mr Conner." Lexi grinned.

Everyone had a good giggle about it.

A mumbler flew towards Quinn, it was a fair bit faster than the usual mumblers.
Quinn panicked and grabbed her gun, she aimed at the mumbler and missed.

She fired again and the mumbler fell to the floor.
"Oww fuck!" The mumbler shouted.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but mumblers don't talk." Leather said scratching his head.

Everyone headed over to the mumbler on the floor. He wasn't a mumble at all, he was a teenage boy, probably 15 or 16 years old.

Quinn stuck her foot on his chest so he couldn't move. "Who the fuck are you?!" She shouted.

"Darlin you shot me, who are YOU?" The lad said back.

"She's the one with the gun mate, answer her question." Leather said coldly.

"Okay okay, I'm Blake." Said the guy bleeding on the floor.

"Are you alone?" Quinn quizzed him.

"Oh sweetheart when are you going to realise, we're all alone." Blake said, holding his thigh with a bullet in and looking at each member.

"Leather, patch him up. He's coming with us. We don't want any surprises." Quinn said.

"I've give you my name. Who are you lot?" Blake asked clearly still in pain.

Quinn looked around the group. "That's Leather" she pointed to Leather.

"That over there is lone wolf." She pointed to Bruce. He grinned.

"That's Sass." She pointed at Sasha. "And that's Drama." She smirked as she pointed out Aleah.

"And over there is Brit and Brat. They're British." She winked at Aubree and Lexi. "And me.. I'm savage."

"Yeah you are." Blake said angrily. "You must be a savage to shoot someone for no reason."

"Thanks babes." Quinn grinned.

Everyone liked their new nicknames, Quinn didn't want to tell Blake everyone's real names, she preferred to keep it a secret just in case he couldn't be trusted.

Leather got to work patching up Blake.
Quinn had only grazed him with the bullet, just a brush against his leg really.

"Lone Wolf can talk give me a hand?" Leather shouted to Bruce, Bruce nodded and headed over.

"So Savage.." Sasha said with a grin. "What are we going to do with Blake?"

"Let's keep a hold of him for now. We don't want him wondering off to his group and telling them about us." Quinn looked at Blake who protested.

"I don't have a group. Who am I going to tell." He sighed.

"Everyone has a group babes, and if you don't have one of your own you will just have to become a part of ours." Quinn rolled her eyes at the idea of a new person but she didn't have much choice, after shooting him he would surely die if she left him alone.

Once Bruce was patched up and given a makeshift cane to walk with the group headed off to continue their search for a place to stay.

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