Hiding out

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As the leader of the group Quinn had to think on her feet, she needed to come up with something and fast or her whole group would end up captured or dead.

She looked around the bedroom and then up to ceiling. That's where she spotted it.

"Oi Leather give me a boost quick." She whispered and climbed on to Leathers shoulders.

Once up she reached up to the loft door and pushed it up into the ceiling quietly, she grabbed a rope ladder down and got back off Leather.
"Quick everyone, youngest to oldest and as quiet as you can." She whispered and headed out to the landing.

The group began climbing into the loft and Quinn listened downstairs.

"Oh Kallen I forgot to tell you I got a new blade!" A voice downstairs said.

"Dude that's awesome let me get Matt on the walkie he's gonna wanna see this!" Kallen replied.

The unknown voice then said. "Let me just put the supplies in the room and then you can."

Quinn tiptoed back to the room, she had to get out of sight and fast. The unknown males were making their way up the stairs.

The group were all up the loft and Blake was just scrambling in with his bad leg slowing him down.

Quinn climbed the ladder behind him and pushed him up into the loft as Leather pulled, Quinn quickly climbed into the loft too.

She grabbed the ladder and pulled it up just in the knick of time. As she was quietly sliding the lid across she saw feet walking into the room.

There was a small hole in the roof letting in the last bit of sunlight, Quinn looked at the group and put her finger over her lips shushing them. If they were to get caught now they could end up dead.

"What's this?" The voice said from the room below, it was Kallen.

"My crutch!" Blake whispered quietly and the whole group froze.

"It looks like some kind of walking cane. Someone's been in here." The other voice replied.

"Check every room, here, take the blade Ben." Kallen said and then the group head foot steps leaving the room.

"Come out come out wherever you are." Ben called out in a menacing tone as Kallen stayed in the room and checked the supplies.

"There's two, we can take them." Quinn whispered, she didn't know what else to do.

"No! Just stay quiet." Leather said calmly. "I've broke into houses before. No one ever checks the loft."

Quinn went to lift the door to the loft when she heard Kallen pull out a walkie and press the button.

"This is sector 5 reporting in, we've had a breach. I need to speak with Matt, over." Kallen said into the walkie.

A couple of seconds later the group heard the reply. "Sending units to sector 5 now. Sit tight. Over and out."

"Ben come on quick, we need to tidy this place up, Matts guys are coming over." Kallen shouted and the group heard him run out of the room.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Lexi whispered.

"We're all going to die!" Lilah was panicking.

"We had a good run." Sasha said quietly accepting her fate.

"I guess this is it guys.. we will never know what was in Weston." Aubree said sadly.

The group all huddled together.
"I can shot.. 5 guys, before I get over powered.." Quinn said quietly.

"Is there a break in the roof? Some way we can get out?" Bruce asked looking around.

The guys and Lilah jumped up and crept around the loft looking for a way out, there was nothing.

Downstairs Kallen and Ben could be heard talking about their loot and the kids they had captured. They knew Matt would be proud of their work and would keep them on the crew regardless of the break in mishap.

"Follow me!" Quinn whispered and headed to the far side of the loft.

There were boxes of old clothes and toys in the corner.
"Get behind these boxes" Quinn whispered.

The group got behind the boxes and Leather and Quinn got to work pulled the clothes from the boxes and throwing them over the group to hide them as best as possible.

"It's just you and me pal." Quinn said quietly to Leather once the others were safely covered.

"We got this Savage." Leather nodded at her reassuringly.

The two of them headed back to the loft door, grabbed their guns out and waited in pure fear.

A few minutes later they heard the front door burst open and a voice shouted.
"Where's the criminals at then?"

"We haven't found them but we found someone's belongings in the store room upstairs." Came Kallens reply, he sounded nervous.

"You got the team over here when you can't even find the culprit? What are you playing at lads!" The new voice shouted back. "Take me to the room."

Many foot steps could be heard making their way up the stairs, and entering the bedroom below the loft.

Quinn and Leather looked at each other, they knew they couldn't take on this many people, there were at least 8 voices in the room below.

The crew talked about securing the building and staying at the exits all night; they were told that if they found the intruder they were not to harm him or her and to call Matt ASAP. they then went on to talk about a shipment coming in tomorrow and everyone needed to be there to unload, it wasn't going to be a small job.

After a good 20 minutes the crew left the bedroom and shut the door then made their way downstairs.

Quinn and leather headed back to the corner of the loft to talk to the group.
"Right they aren't leaving, they're guarding the exits.." Quinn said with a sigh.

"We stay up here for the night. Tomorrow they have a job on, as soon as they leave, we leave too." Leather finished.

The group stayed as quiet as possible. Lilah offered a bottle of water around and Bruce and Aubree agreed to stay awake for the first few hours, Bruce snored and didn't want the crew downstairs to hear them.

"I'm scared.." Sasha said quietly.

Quinn had an obvious soft spot for Sasha. She lay down next to her and cuddled up to her.
Lilah went over and lay with them, she looked at Blake and signalled him to come and join them, they all grabbed some old blankets and began to fall asleep.

"Brat and I will take the next shift, wake us in a few hours." Leather said to Aubree, she nodded.

"I don't think I can sleep, we're all going to die.." Lexi whispered with tears in her eyes. She was probably the most scared out of them all.

"Shush, it's fine.." Leather tried to reassure her. He sat against the wall and let Lexi put her head in his lap then began to play with her hair until she fell asleep, he fell asleep shortly after too.

"You okay?" Aubree whispered to Bruce.

He nodded and looked at her. "I won't let anything happen to you Aubs. I promise." He said to her with a smile.

Aubree grabbed her moment and leaned closer to Bruce, she knew they could die at any moment or be split from the rest of the group, this was something she had wanted to do for a long time.

She pressed her lips against Bruce's and he returned the kiss.

"This is a great story to tell people.. we had our first kiss in a loft while our potential murderers downstairs." Aubree said with a grin.

Bruce just smiled and held her close while they watched the door.

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