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Today was a bit colder than yesterday, the sun wasn't shinning bright, the clouds looked dark, maybe rain was forecast, but would today be the day Lilah met others like her, or was this a trap?

Lilah woke up suddenly out of a bad dream, she was feeling very weary about meeting these new people, pushing the thought to the back of her mind she grabbed Perri's bottle from the cot and took it to the kitchen where she ran it under the tap getting rid of yesterdays milk.

She made up a fresh bottle and put it in the pan to boil.
Going back to the cot she picked up her baby sister "morning Perri" said Lilah "did you sleep well?"

'Perri is looking more and more like mom everyday' she thought to herself, remembering how much she missed her mother.

"Let's get you dressed and head out little lady" she said to Perri as she grabbed a pinkish baby grow and a re-useable nappy and started to get Perri undressed.

"This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home, this little piggy had roast beef, and this little piggy had none.." she began singing to Perri when Jack appeared and butted in singing
"And this little piggy went wee wee, all the way home."

Perri giggled while biting on the teat of her bottle, amused by her brother and sister.

Once ready Jack, Lilah and Perri set out to meet the mysterious author of the note on the other side of Miami at wallmart hoping this person was ready to hand over their mothers journal.

Aubree woke up excited that there  could possibly be new people here, that she was no longer alone, that there  would be new faces to get to know.

Lexi on the other hand wasn't a people person, she liked her own space and didn't like people interfering so this could go well, or not.

Aubree packed some snacks for Sasha, Lexi and herself incase hunger would strike.

Lexi was in the kitchen filling up some empty water bottles with some squash and placed them in her backpack, wondering what was in store for them when they arrive at Walmart.

"Did you get the journal?" Lexi called over to Sasha.

"yeah it's here in my backpack" replied Sasha as she said goodbye to Corey, Kate, Esmee and Rosily.

Aubree and Lexi then said goodbye to the remaining family and headed out toward the city with Sasha.

"what do you think they will be like?" Aubree asked imagining the best and worst case scenarios.

"I think they're gonna be annoying and get in the way" replied Sasha in a pissy tone.

Lexi frowned and put across her opinion
"It doesn't matter what they're like Aubree, because we're not here to get to know 888 people. We're here to give this stupid book back and then leave."

"But there would be more of us.. The more of us, The more weapons, The better our chances with the mumblers, we could finally feel safe." Said Aubree, hopeful of a new friendship.

"No Aubree, more people, more hard work, more mouths to feed, and worst of all more noise. we've already got our hands full with these lot!" replied Lexi in a huff.

Sasha knowing the comment was aimed at her just rolled her eyes at Lexi and continued walking.

It had been 20 min's since they left the house, everyone was getting a little aggittated with eachother, it had been silent for at least 10 minutes nothing had fallen from Lexi, Sasha or Aubree's lips.

20 minutes into the walk and Perri was drawing attention to Lilah and Jack, she was screaming for no reason.

Jack could hear the mumblers getting closer, knowing they could hear Perri.
"Lilah you need to quite her down" Jack Warned anxiously, knowing Lilah was better at handling Perri than he was.

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