The Broadcast Station

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Lexi sat in the holiday home, on the sofa with her phone in her hand, updating her social media status while listing to her playlist which is currently playing 'I'm gonna show you crazy' by Bebe Rexha.

She sighed heavily and slammed her phone down on the coffee table "what the fuck happened to the internet" she said frustratedly as Aubree walked into the room.

Aubree watched her best friend stressing and smirked.
"Don't worry girl, I got this" she said as she walked over to the router and gave it a hard whack, which sent it flying off the shelf and disconnected it.

"Well look what you've done now fuckwit!" Lexi scolded as she stormed out of the room in a huff.

Aubree rolled her eyes and grabbed her pocket knife as she ran out of the room after Lexi.

"Wait up, Where are you even going?" She shouted to Lexi who was now out of the house and making her way across the beach.

"To the broadcast station to fix the internet" Lexi said as she kept walking.

The beach was quiet, Just like it always was during the day, the waves were small and the wind was low, The smell of rotting flesh was still in the air but Aubree and Lexi had grown used to this.

Aubree Stepped over the rotting corpse of what used to be the boy that vacationed next door Jay, he used to be a lovely boy that had a huge crush on Aubree and she thought he was pretty hot too, but the last time she saw him he definietly was NOT hot.

He had had bright red eyes, stinking breath, and a human hand hanging from his mouth, Aubree had no idea what had happened to him but she knew she had to kill him.

Aubree smiled at the memory of her first kill and thought about how far she had come since then.

"Hey, Lexi, how many people do you think you've killed at this point?" She asked curiously.

Lexi shrugged and tapped on her phone screen trying to get a signal "Uhm, I dunno, a few" She replied uninterested as she kept walking.

A mumbler walked out from the side of an ice-cream van and straight to Lexi who was still distracted by her phone, as he lent in to bite her Aubree grabbed her pocket knife and shouted "knees!" to which Lexi turned around quickly and kicked the mumbler hard in the knee causing him to fall to the floor.

Aubree laughed and watched the mumbler struggling to get back up "Damn boy" She said with a grin "You cant just try to go for a girls neck like that, take her on a date first." she laughed as she taunted the mumbler.

Lexi reached in the mumblers pocket and pulled out his wallet searching through it " died with $20 in your wallet, and a condom.. you didn't even get to use it first? I almost feel sorry for you." she teased as she looked across to Aubree
"I'm bored of this one, handle him."

Aubree nodded and then raised her pocket knife above the mumblers head and plunged it down into his skull, killing him instantly.

She watched him fall to the floor besides the decomposed body of her first kill, smirking at the irony or her first and most recent kill being in the same spot Aubree shrugged and then caught up to Lexi.

"Lets sort your phone out so you will cheer the fuck up." she teased her best friend as they walked.

Aubree and Lexi walk towards the doors of the broadcasting station.

"Its locked" Aubree said a tone of frustration in her voice.

To which Lexi replied "Ive got this!"

Lexi took out a hair pin from her pocket and started to unpick the lock.

"Yo, Watch out!" cried Aubree as a mumbler came closer heading straight for Lexi.

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