Sasha's Back Story

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Sasha was on night watch. Well it was morning watch, but either way she had decided the place was dead and let Lilah get some sleep.

She walked to the cafeteria and got a can of Coke from the cupboard and then walked up and down the main park, Sasha loved being in charge. She was only young but being in charge what what she knew best. She had done it all her life.

Sasha's mom was a dental assistant, she worked all hours to make ends meet.

Sasha's dad left the family and went on to have 5 more kids after Kate, 5 kids in 5 years with 5 different women, Sasha thought her dad was a player but she still loved him.

Before the world turned to shit Sasha enjoyed her life, her mom provided for the kids and Sasha helped take care of Corey and Kate.

She would cook her siblings their dinner and then tell them when it was time for bed, Kate always kicked up a fuss when Sasha told her it was bed time. She argued that she was only a few years younger than Sasha so they should go to bed at the same time.

Corey on the other hand was very chill, he didn't mind being told what to do, he would just go to his room and play fortnite on his Xbox. Not much phased Corey.

Sasha had her own key to the house and loved to act like a little adult, she would cook and clean for her mom, she was very close with her mom.

Kate was a daddies girl and Corey liked to keep to himself a lot but Sasha always wanted to do everything with her mom.

She always say next to her mom when they watched movies, stole her moms Costa coffee, even stole her moms clothes. Her mom didn't mind. She had always wanted a mommies girl.

By the time Sasha was 13 she had her own paper round, independence was her main goal, she just wanted to be an adult before her time.

She would pay Kate to help her deliver papers, it kept them both out of trouble.
Sasha was adamant she wanted to be an actress when she grew up and would spend hours at a time going over lines and just practicing in the mirror, she was going to be a huge success. She had the means and the determination.

The day the world went to shit Sasha was waiting outside her brother and sisters school, their mom was at work and it was her day to collect them.

It seemed very different when she got there, there were other kids there to collect their siblings but she didn't see many adults at all, just the odd one or two.

Once she had collected Corey she walked around to the other side of the school to collect Kate.

As she was stood outside waiting for Kate she felt someone touch her. She turned around and saw it was Mrs Kelp.

"Oh hi Mrs Kelp can I—" Sasha had began to say but when she looked at Mrs Kell she saw blood oozing from her eyes and lips. She was terrified.

She grabbed Kate from her class and they headed home as fast as possible, Sasha wanted to tell her mom about Mrs Kelp so that her mom could give her a call and make sure she was okay.

When the 3 kids got home Sasha called out to her mom. She was usually home by the time school finished on a Monday. "Mom.. mom I need to tell you something!" Sasha shouted our but she didn't get a reply.

"You guys wait done here, have a snack. I'll go see if moms home." Sasha said with a smile to her brother and sister as she headed upstairs.

She went straight to her moms room
But her mom wasn't there, her work scrubs were over the bed and so was her bag so Sasha knew she was home.

Sasha headed to the bathroom and tapped the door. "Mom are you home?" She called through the door but got no reply.

She pressed her ear up against the door and listened, the shower was running so she assumed her mom must be in there which was why she couldn't hear. Then she heard a weird type of mumbling inside that she had never heard before.

"Mom are you okay?" She shouted through the door but still she got no reply so she pushed the door open a little.

She headed into the bathroom and saw here mom standing facing the shower with her back to Sasha.

"Mom you will never believe what happened at the school." Sasha began but her mom turned around and Sasha stopped in her tracks.

Her mom was in just her bra and panties, she looked like she was ready to get in the shower but hadn't managed to get there. She had red rings around her eyes and her skin looked cracked and pale.

"Mom you don't looked well" Sasha had said to her.

Sasha reached out and tried to feel her moms forehead to see if she felt hot but her mom snarled and went to bit her hand. Sasha jumped away and looked at her mom.

"I'm trying to help mom.." she frowned and reached out again, this time her mom dived at her an grabbed her. Sasha struggled to get free but her mom was too strong, she pushed her mom back against the skin but her mom slipped on the wet floor and fell into the shower, the bar fell down and went straight through her moms head.

Sasha didn't know what to do, she couldn't scream because she didn't want to scare Corey and Kate. She grabbed her phone and called 911 but the call wouldn't connect.

She sobbed for a good 20 minutes before covering her mother with a sheet and heading downstairs.

When she got to the living room Kate was sat on the floor playing with her dolls and Corey had loaded fortnite up on the tv and was playing away, she didn't want to end their childhood the way hers had just been ended so she stayed calm.

"Come on guys we're going on an adventure.." she said to her siblings with a smile.

"Where's mommy?" Kate asked. "I need to tell her about what Ava did at school today!"

"She's had to go back to work Kate, we can tell her later okay?" Sasha said holding back tears.

"You okay?" Sasha was distracted from her flash back by Bruce's voice.

"Oh yeah I'm peachy." Sasha said with a sigh.

"I know you don't like me but I'm just trying to be friendly." Bruce frowned.

"I'm really sorry Bruce, I do like you and it's not you at all. I was just thinking about my mom that's all." Sasha looked at Bruce. She didn't dislike him at all.

"Well you know where I am if you ever wanna talk Sass" Bruce said with a shrug and turned to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Sasha called after him.

"To make the group some breakfast,
I was thinking eggs and baked beans." Bruce said as he turned back to face Sasha.

"That sounds like a good idea, I'll help if you don't mind?" She said giving Bruce a half smile.

"That sounds like a good idea to me." Bruce headed to the cafeteria.

They got to work making eggs and baked beans for the whole group and Sasha even found some coffee whitener so she boiled some water and made coffee for everyone before their long day.

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