He cant help it.

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Aubree took Perri to the supermarket to see what food was left on the shelves.

she couldn't help but want to mother Perri as Elliot was a massive part in her life, she watched Perri while she was sound asleep in her pushchair, it brought her comfort.

As she got to the store there were so many old dead mumblers everywhere..

Aubree looked at Perri "I hope you never have to remember these when you're older" She said as Perri laid there soundly asleep.

She walked into the shop, she could hear the alcohol bottles chiming and a very unsettled voice. she walked straight over to the stranger who was being very loud and demanded he be quite!

"I know you're frustrated but could you be a little bit quieter!" She said to the stranger.

He was startled by her voice. "yeah, I'm so very sorry, I'm just looking for some alcohol." He said with a sad face.

"Oh, behind the toilet rolls on aisle 7, there were some bottles of whiskey hidden last time I was here" she said.

"I'm Bruce by the way" the stranger said to her smiling.  He put his hand out for her to shake it.

You could see his hand was very unsteady and shaking agresssivly "Aubree, very nice to meet you." Aubree replied but didn't shake his hand.

He stumbled away down towards aisle 7, you could see the fear in his eyes.

Aubree walked up the aisles picking up everything she could possibly find and sticking it under Perri's pram.
By now Walmart was looking empty, it had been a couple of months and other people were obviously looting it too.
Aubree walked out before Perri woke for some lunch.

As she walked out of the store Bruce was sitting there chugging on a bottle of wine, he didn't even take a breath before finishing the whole bottle and opening the next one.

The mother figure she was, she had to know his story, so she went over to him and sat next to him, they didn't talk for a solid 5 minutes.

It's hard knowing that you all alone in this world and that she was very lucky she had got a little family waiting for her, but he seemed alone, very alone.

She broke the silence "hey, are you here alone?" she asked the young gentlemen.

"Yeah, lost my family they day this world went crazy you?" Bruce replied.

Aubree was sad "yeah I lost mine to, but I found another family here that we class as our own."

Bruce nodded "is she yours?" he pointing at Perri.

Aubree laughed "oh god no. I don't look old enough to be a mother do I?" she asked shocked and a little offended.

Bruce laughed "no you look fine, kid's are having kid's nowdays."

"True, so what's with the.." she looked at the bottles of alcohol.

"The alcohol? I'm not sure, been drinking since I can remember." Bruce said sadly.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Bruce isn't it?" She started thinking about her mom, She didn't want to.

"yeah Bruce, and it's not your fault Aubree isn't it?" He smiled at her.

Perri woke up grumpily asking for Lilah , Aubree grabbed her juice bottle and some crisps and handed them to her for lunch. Bruce got up taking his bottle with him and headed in the other direction.

Aubree frowned "where you going?" she shouted to Bruce.

"home, where ever home is" he called out as he walked further away.

Aubree wanted to help; it was in her nature. "we have plenty of space where we live, you could stay there for a bit?"  She asked nervously.

"you sure your family wont mind?" he quizzed her.

She shook her head and they both headed back to the holiday home together.

Lilah ran down the step's and starting screaming at Aubree, she was so shocked by this, she had told Lilah she was talking Perri out so she could get some rest.

"where the hell have you been.. you told me you was walking outside here you've been gone hours.." Lilah shouted grabbing Perri from the pram.

Aubree frowned "I'm sorry I went to the store and met Bruce we got talking I'm sorry"

Lilah was furious "Am I hearing this right, you were gone for hours because you met a boy are you stupid or something?!"

Lexi stepped in "That's enough Lilah, Perri is home and safe stop shouting at her."

Lilah stormed inside. "she's lucky all I'm doing is shouting at her."

Bruce was kinda scared of Lilah. "I'm going to go now Aubree"

"yeah goodbye." Lilah called out as she went inside.

Aubree sighed "Bruce don't leave, this isn't his fault Lilah!"

Lilah slammed the door shut. Aubree was so embarrassed that Lilah had spoke to her that way in front of her new guest and especially a boy guest.

Lexi wasn't fussed by a new person "hi I'm Lexi, Aubree's bestie" she introduced herself to Bruce.

Bruce smiled "hi it's nice to meet you , I'm Bruce" he replied with his head down to the floor.

"Don't worry she won't always be a bitch, she just is very protective over her baby sister.." Lexi said defending Lilah.

They walked into Aubree and Lexi's house, to try find him some food. Bruce sat down next to Sasha and she didn't look impressed.

"Who the fuck is this bloke?" She said in her sassy tone.

"Father Christmas who are you?" Bruce replied rolling his eyes.

Sasha got defensive "I'm the one asking the question's you're in my house mate!"

Aubree cut in "Sasha.." she pointed to the jar and Sasha sighed as she went over to the swear jar.
Sasha pouted and puts her packet of cookies in the jar. she hadn't had treats for weeks, her mouth was letting her down.

Esmee and Rosily ran into the room taking the cookies out of the jar, they loved the swear jar.
Sasha ran after them shouting "Oi you little shits!

Lexi glared at her, Sasha just held her hands up "Sorry, I dont have anything left to put in the swear jar."

Across the beach Quinn and Leather could be heard arguing. Leather was shouting about Quinn stealing his cigarettes and Quinn was defending herself.

Quinn shouted "I didn't even take shit babes. you've got the wrong girl."

Leather shook his head "well who else would it have been? the tooth fairy??"

Quinn sighed and looked at Aleah who was walking across the beach smoking. "Theres your fucking thief, prick"

Leather felt bad, but he was too stubborn to apologize . he just ran down the beach chasing after Aleah, he wasn't happy. the silly girl was pregnant.

Aleah had pissed everyone off, they all wanted her out of the way now.

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