The New World

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Kesha and Quinn agreed that the young kids would stay at the facility for a few more days until they had somewhere safe to take them.

Lilah and Sasha stayed to help look after the babies and Aleah stayed on as a childminder.

Leather and Bruce headed off to clean up the beach front and to rid it of mumblers.

Quinn, Lexi and Aubree headed back to the beach houses and began to clear them all of mumblers.

They scrubbed the floors, assigned bedrooms and made pretty little plaques for the doors with names on.

Rosily and Esmee would be in Lexi's old room, they had found Princess bedding and toys for the girls. It was a dream bedroom for them.

Lexi and Leather would take Lexi's parents old room, Lexi felt closer to her mom that way.

Corey was assigned Matt's old room, it was already perfect for him. A proper guys room. Corey would love it.

They put boards up the windows and secured the doors, walkie talkies were put in Corey, Leather and Lexi's rooms so they could communicate with the other households.

In the next beach house Quinn, Aubree and Lexi got to work sorting that out too, Aubree and Bruce would have Aubree's parents room, Perri would sleep in Elliots old nursery, there was a bed in there for Lilah too.

Aubree couldn't bring herself to change it so Quinn got to work making it pretty for Perri while Aubree and Lexi went to the guest room.

In the guest room were two beds, Aubree and Lexi cleaned it up and put pretty bedding on, ready for Kate and Sasha to come home, they would be sharing this room.

Then the study was transformed into a bedroom ready for Aleah, a Moses basket and baby items were placed in the room too for when the new addition came along.

Leather's old beach house was the final stop. This was where Quinn wanted to be staying, the headquarters of the lot.

Quinn had wanted to stay alone but the group wouldn't let that happen. She would go crazy if she was alone.

Leathers old place would be the supply house, it was the most secure building so they would keep all their food and goods in that house.

Quinn got to work scrubbing it clean and filling the cupboards with what supplies they already had.

She wrote down an inventory list, she assigned rolls for the group, night watches and cooking rotas, child care and food runs. She really did think of everything.

Quinn, Lexi, Aubree, Leather and Bruce settled down for the night when it started to get dark.

They had managed to get so much done and were very proud of themselves. This new world wouldn't be so bad.

"We've got a surprise for you." Lexi said to Quinn, she looked at Aubree and grinned. 

Aubree grinned too. "Come on!"

They headed upstairs of Lexi's beach house, they passed the bedrooms and kept walking until they got to a door.

"Take a look.." Lexi smiled at Quinn.

Quinn didn't have a clue what was going on. She felt very nervous. She opened the door and walked up the few steps.

When she got to the top of the steps she was blown away. She was standing in a beautiful loft bedroom, a perfect room for her.

There was a dressing table with makeup laid out, a double bed with pink silk sheets, a big white rug and a bay window that looked out on to the beach. Over the bed hung battery powered fairy lights and a few Polaroid photos of the group were stuck to the walls.

"This was going to be my room when I turned 16, but I want you to have it." Lexi smiled at Quinn.

Quinn's eyes filled with tears. She had never had a nice room in her life: at home her room was always damp and dirty, but this was fit for a princess.
She hugged Lexi and then Aubree.

"Thank you guys so much!" She said, she was filled with joy. "This is more than I could ever have imagined."

"Well as the leader of the group you need the best bedroom.. and when you get a boyfriend you will need the privacy." Aubree smirked.

"No but honestly.. you held us all together when we would have fallen apart Quinn. You're the reason any of this is possible." Lexi said with a smile and hugged Quinn.

The girls stood and hugged it out. They couldn't wait to bring everyone home and show them where they would be living from now on. The buildings were all secured and there were walkies in all the young adults rooms.

Downstairs they all ate pot noodles and talked about the world they would create together.

Lexi and Leather would police the beach, Quinn would oversee the whole group.

Aubree and Corey would teach classes to the younger children, Bruce and Lilah would do the supply runs, while Lilah would practice medical work too.

Sasha would coordinate the entertainment and the routines for the younger kids and Aleah would handle the meal prep.

With the rota copied up and on the kitchen walls of all the houses the group were ready to get their family back together.

And first thing in the morning that is exactly what they did.

They woke up bright and early and headed to the facility to collect the rest of the group. Quinn gave the beach house addresses to Kesha and told her to pop by if she ever needed anything.

Kesha told Quinn that Niko, an unvaccinated 18 year male from at the facility wanted to move on with his life, he wanted to help build the new world and Quinn agreed to take him too.
After all, he was hot and just her type.

Once back at the beach's the kids all ran to their rooms; they absolutely loved their new life.

They had no parents, but they had teenagers that loved them and cared for them.

They had no school but they had a group of people ready to teach them.
They might not have had much but they had everything they needed.

They had toys, clothes, food, a place to sleep, an education, but most of all they had the love of the group.

The adults would never come back and that was something the group had to deal with, maybe after a few years the world would be mumbler free and they could try to get some sense of normality back, but until that day they were willing to take every day as it came.

This was an adventure after all; and the group weren't about to give up now.

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