The Experiment

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Everyone woke up still feeling like they were chasing a lost cause.

The group decided to check out upstairs, then they would head back to Miami.
Lilah just wanted to be back with Perri and Sasha wanted to see her family again.

Lexi and Aubree just wanted to go back to the beach houses and chill again, life just wasn't going to change. It would be this way forever now and there was nothing the group could do about it.

"A quick look, then we're going back. I'm done." Quinn said to the group as they walked the flight of stairs.

The doors of course were locked. "Well that was pointless. Let's go." Sasha said as she turned to walk away.

Lilah grabbed her and pulled her back. "You always give up way too quickly Sass." This was something Sasha had got used to hearing.

Leather grabbed a fire extinguisher and him, Lexi and Bruce began to giggle.

"I don't think a race will sort this one out." Bruce smirked. The rest of the group didn't understand the joke.

"Nah but this will ." Leather said with a grin and threw the fire extinguisher through the glass in the doors. He reached his arm in and undid the bolts then headed inside.

"Any room that's swarming with mumblers is a no go. We aren't here to get ourselves killed." Quinn pointed out as they began to take a look around.

The rest of the group murmured their agreements and they all checked out the empty rooms, yet again they came up with nothing. As there was no power the computer systems were down and they couldn't understand the notes that were written down, everything was abbreviated in medical slang.

Lilah headed into a lab and began to look around.

"What you looking at?" Leathers voice startled her.

"Oh I was just..." Lilah trailed off as she saw injections lined up on the counter.
"Can you get the others in here please?" She asked Leather and he nodded.

When the group had all came inside the room Lilah picked up an injection. "Has anyone ever heard of the Porbell injection?" She asked holding it up to the group.

They all shook their heads.

Lilah continued. "My mom told me not to have it at school when I turned 13, but then she told me it was taken out of schools in 2016 so I didn't have to worry about it."

Lilah then looked at Quinn. "Savage, how old were you in 2016?"

"I was 15.." Quinn said. "Why?"

"Leather.. what about you?" Lilah asked.

"I was 14." Leather shrugged.

"So you two had the injection?" Lilah looked confused.

Quinn and Leather both shook their heads. "I dropped out of school when I was 11 babes." Quinn smiled.

"Yeah and I went when I wanted to go but I don't think I was ever vaccinated." Leather frowned.

"Oh my gosh that's it!!!" Lilah exclaimed.

The group were still very confused by everything.

"What do you mean that's it?" Quinn quizzed her.

"Well you're 19, and Leather is 18 right?" Lilah asked and they both nodded. "And everyone over the age of 16 turned into some sort of dead creature..." Lilah pointed out.

The group still looked dumbstruck like they didn't know what was going on.

"Sass.." Lilah sighed. "If you turned 13 in 2016, how old would you be now?"

Sasha tried to count on her fingers and looked very confused.

"16 or turning 17." Aubree answered for her. "Oh my gosh!" She exclaimed straight after it all made sense to her now.

"So everyone that had to Porbell injection turned into something else, Quinn, you you didn't turn into it because you didn't attend school so you wouldn't have had the jab. And Leather, you went to school when you felt like it so you missed the day the jabs were handed out in your school year." Lilah looked at the group as it began to click in all their heads.

"Whatever the plan was for this injection it went wrong. Very wrong. And it built up inside the people that had it done then one day they just began to turn into something else..." Lilah finished.

"Oh fuck, she's right!" Lexi exclaimed.

"How did you figure this all out?" Sasha asked Lilah.

"Because it's written down right here." Lilah held up a piece of paper and laughed, she wasn't as smart as the group thought.

Quinn took it and began to read it.
"The Porbell injection comes not without it's difficulties, it has contained the possible outbreak of Porbell disease... what's Porbell disease?" She asked the group looking confused.

They all just shrugged. "Carry on reading." Bruce said restlessly.

"Sorry.." Quinn carried on reading. "possible our break of Porbell disease, but some patients have been showing sighs of distress since the vaccination, the only option is to discontinue to use off the Porbell injection in the hope that Porbell has become extinct in the time the injection has been around. If children begin to show signs of Porbell disease we must consider bringing the vaccination back into circulation." Quinn tuned the paper over and looked at the group.

"It gets worse." She frowned.
"As of June 2020, it has been known that up to 100 adults between the ages of 30-45 have developed conditions where they want to indulge on human flesh, this has never before been seen and each subject ended up being exterminated due to severe aggressiveness.
At this moment we still don't understand the cause for this but it needs more research."

Quinn looked at Lilah. "And it's signed by a Mrs S Mitchell."

Lilah grabbed the paper and looked at the signature. "That's my mom! My last name is Mitchell. It's Savannah Mitchell. My mom DID know what was happening.." Lilah cried out.

"But did she had a plan for us?" Bruce asked.

The whole group were in shock, if they had been vaccinated against Porbell they would all be walking around like the adults right now. They now had the answer.. but it didn't help at all and Savannah had left no instructions on how to end the pain in the world.

The group didn't have a clue what they were going to do now.

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