What Now?

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The group took an extra day at the house to let Lilah come to terms with the loss of her mother.

The rest of the group were lucky their parents were already gone; they couldn't imagine finding their parents and then being dragged away from them again in such a way.

Lilah spent the rest of that day in bed crying, the group took turns going up and laying with her, no one really said anything her. They didn't know what to say. But being with her was enough to comfort her.

In the living room Lexi, Aubree, Bruce and Leather were playing monopoly while Sasha went upstairs for her shift with Lilah relieving Quinn.

Quinn came down the stairs and looked at the 4 playing their game.
"So.. what happens now?" She asked them hoping for answers because she had no idea.

"We stay here and grow old and die I guess." Lexi said bluntly. She was feeling truly defeated at this point.

"We can't do that Lex." Leather said as he looked at Lexi. She knew he was right.

"We go back to the baby facility." Aubree said quietly.

"And then what.." Quinn asked.

"We get our kids back, we find a place to stay and we accept the world for what it is Quinn. We have no other choice." Aubree sighed.

Everyone knew she was right, without Savannah they had no hope.

They knew there was no miracle cure now, they knew if a highly trained team of scientists couldn't find a cure then a bunch of 13 to 19 year olds damn well couldn't either.

"We can stay here one more night. Give Lilah a little more time. We leave in the morning." Quinn said as she walked to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of straight vodka and necked it.

Quinn grabbed a pack of smokes and headed out to the garden, Lexi offered to go with her but she just wanted to be alone. She sat on the steps and she cried and cried.

For the first time since the world had gone to shit Quinn just let everything out.

She cried for her lost childhood, she cried for the loss of her mother and for killing her father and sister.
She cried for Jack, for Lilahs pain, for the loss of Savannah.

She just couldn't control herself. She sobbed for what felt like hours.
After a while she felt an arm around her; she didn't know who it was but she turned and just sobbed into the persons chest.

"I don't know what to do.." she cried. "I'm lost, we're all lost. We have no hope now.."

"We're going to be okay Quinn, we've been fine up to now and we will keep being fine." The voice said back. It was Lilah. This was the first time she had spoke since burying Savannah.

Quinn suddenly felt stupid. She was crying like a baby and yet Lilah was the one who had just buried her mother and she was holding Quinn together.

"I've never felt so low in my life. I feel like giving up and walking away." Quinn said still crying.

"We need you Quinn." Lilah reassured her. "We can't do this without you, I need you, Aubree, Lexi, Bruce, Leather and Sasha need you."

"I can't." Quinn sobbed. "I'm done, I just want to throw the towel in, just jump off a bridge and be at peace, I can't lead you guys.. I'm so weak Lilah."

"Perri needs you, Esmee, Rosily, Kate, Corey.. everyone needs you here with us. Gosh even Aleah needs you. You bind us together Quinn, without you we wouldn't have been burying my mom because we wouldn't have even found her." Lilah said wiping Quinn's tears away.

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