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After the long walk to the building, the young kids were tired. Quinn banged on the door and Kesha opened it.

"Hi babes we've come to give you our baby." Quinn said sarcastically. She wasn't happy that Perri would be leaving them.

Kesha invited the group inside and gave them a tour. It was getting to dinner time and the younger kids were hungry.

Kesha gave Kate, Rosily and Esmee a seat at the dinner table and asked if anyone else was hungry. They all said no.

Leather sat Perri in a high chair, he couldn't help but think this would be a paradise for the kids.

Aubree, Lexi, Corey, Sasha, Bruce, Aleah, Quinn and Leather headed off the kitchen to see Lilah.

"Perri is having dinner." Aubree said when she saw Lilah.
Lilah jumped up and hugged everyone. She had missed them all.

"We're staying here, it's what is best for Perri.. you can't change my mind." Lilah said defensively.

"We don't want to change your mind." Leather said. He was really chill about the whole situation.

"Like hell we don't." Quinn interjected. She was still very much annoyed.

They all took a seat and Kesha began to explain the place.
"We have 5 guys that do a food run, the children never go hungry. 3 more guys watch the doors at all times. We have a nursery with 3 girls that care for the babies, 4 soon as Lilah wants to work in the nursery.
We have school hours when the kids learn basic math and English.. our teaching staff are A students from years 10 and 11.
We have everything we need here. The children are very safe."

"So they don't even leave the building?" Aubree asked. "That doesn't seem fair."

Kesha smiled. "We have an outdoor area that is fenced off. The children play out there, always guarded by young adults of course. We have set meal times and set bed times. A whole routine for the children."

It really did seem like a paradise. The children would never have to run from mumblers or worry about where their next meal was coming from.

"Okay.. we will leave Perri and Lilah with you." Aubree wasn't happy about it but she agreed. She got up to leave.

Lexi cut in "we also have 3 more children that need caring for."

Aubree looked around the group, they all seemed to be split on a decision. "I can't believe you all want to abandon the children!" She shouted.

"I'm with you babes." Quinn agreed.

Sasha shook her head. "I'm not leaving my kids here!"

Kesha smiled sympathetically at Sasha, she knew it would be hard, she went to speak but Corey cut her off. "I want to stay."

Everyone looked at Corey. They were in complete shock.

"I'm sorry but you don't meet the criteria." Kesha explained with a friendly smile.

"I don't want to be cared for, I want to teach.. I'm a bit of a brainiac and I feel like I can teach these children." Corey smiled and looked at Sasha. "I also wouldn't be comfortable leaving Kate, Esmee and Rosily here without me or Sash."

Kesha looked around the group to see where they all stood on Corey staying.

"can we talk in private please?" Leather asked.

Kesha nodded and left the room.
Aubree looked at Sasha who was now in tears.

"Please don't leave me Corey." Sasha begged.

"You can stay too.." Corey smiled. "But I don't want you to."

"What do you mean you don't want me to?" Sasha was confused and heartbroken.

"You can change the world Sasha, I know you can.. you need to carry on with the group and make everything right again. This group doesn't travel. You will always know where we are and you can see us anytime you want." Corey promised. This was the most the group had heard Corey talk.

Sasha didn't know what to do. She knew Corey was right and this was the best place for the kids to be, she was happy Corey would still be with them, but she hated the idea of being alone.

Aubree had calmed down a little and realised that this was for the best. "Sash.. he's right." She said wiping her tears.

Aleah just rolled her eyes. "Let's ditch the kids and leave this snooze fest then."

Quinn laughed at her. "Oh babes you're staying too!"

"Like hell I am! I don't want to stay here!" Aleah protested with a pout.

"You're pregnant doll, you made your own mistakes. We can't carry you." Quinn said harshly.

"Lexi, Aubree..?" Aleah wanted someone to tell her she could stay with the group.

"You can stay with us for 2 months, as soon as baby is born you need to be somewhere safe with it, you can either drop the baby here and carry on with us or you can stay here with the baby." Lexi said. She knew it was for the best.

Everyone else voiced their agreement and Aleah knew she was out voted.

Kesha came back in to see what the group had decided.
Lexi informed her that Kate, Rosily and Esmee would be staying as children, Corey would be staying as staff.
And of course Lilah and Perri would be staying too.

Kesha handed Corey the forms to fill out for the children while the rest of the group went and said their goodbyes to the little ones.

Sasha stayed in the kitchen with Lilah and Corey. "I want to stay too. I can't leave you guys." Sasha said sadly.

"Hey, we have each other, you're the strongest person we know.. since losing Jack I can't be what the group needs, I just want to protect Perri but you will change the world Sasha." Lilah said as she gave Sasha a hug. Corey agreed with her.

Sasha said her goodbyes to Lilah and Corey and then headed outside. She couldn't say goodbye to the little ones. It would hurt too much. She was an emotional wreck.

After a few minutes the rest of the group walked out of the doors.
"So this is it then.." Leather said with a sigh.

"I guess so.. lets go find somewhere to sleep." Aubree said sadly and they walked away.

From now on it would just be Aubree, Lexi, Leather, Quinn, Sasha, Bruce and temporary Aleah..

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