Well Well Well

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Lexi and Leather had been on watch for 4 hours, it was coming up to 9am and the sun was shining through a crack in the roof lighting up the whole loft.

"So.. What are we?" Lexi asked Leather.

"Humans I hope, you're not a mumbler are you because if you are I'll have to kick your ass." Leather grinned.

"No dickhead, you and me.. like are we..." Lexi trailed off as she blushed.

"Dating?" Leather asked with a frown.

"Well.. yeah.." Lexi shrugged. "I mean it's fine if we aren't. I just wanted to know.." she suddenly felt very embarrassed.

Leather leaned close and kissed her then smiled. "Let's make it official and say we are dating."

Lexi was so happy, she had liked Leather since they had met and was glad it was finally official, she looked around at the group.

Quinn was cuddled up to Sasha, and some tatty Teddy for some reason.
Blake and Lilah were huddled up together.
Aubree was asleep in Bruce's arms.

"I feel so bad waking them.." Lexi said with a sigh.

Leather nodded and agreed they should just leave the group to sleep, while the house was still occupied they couldn't go anywhere anyway.

Lexi fell asleep again, she was woken by Leather gently shaking her. "We need to get to work, the crew downstairs have all headed out. All besides 2, were just waiting on them to leave." He said softly.

"Okay let's wake the gang and get the fuck out of here." Lexi agreed as she got up and headed over to Quinn, Leather headed over to wake Aubree and Bruce.

When the whole group were awake they washed themselves down with wet wipes and had cereal bars and water while they waited for the final two guys to leave.

They heard them heading out and Quinn briefed the group.
"Okay we get out of here, head straight down the stairs and out of he back door.. I will lead, Brit and Lone Wolf you guys need to help Blake get around as fast as possible. Brat and Leather will hold back and cover our backs."

Everyone knew what they were doing, Quinn quietly lifted the loft lid and lowered the ladders. Everyone quietly climbed out of the loft and made their way to the stairs.

Sasha grabbed a few packs of wipes, some tooth brushes and tooth paste and dry shampoo, she shoved them in her bag and put it back on her back as she followed the group to the stairs.

Quinn walked down the stairs. The back door was within touching distance.
She made a run towards it, but she was stopped.

Kallen stepped out in front of the door and looked at Quinn aiming a shot gun at her. "Don't move." He said harshly.

By this point Sasha, Lilah, Aubree, Bruce and Blake were already on the stairs.
Lexi and Leather had held back, they quickly climbed back into the loft again and shut the lid.

"If you don't mind we will just be leaving now babes." Quinn said with a wink.

Kallen was not impressed at all. "Oh I don't think so sweet pea. Living room. Now."

Quinn went to protest but Ben grabbed her and pulled her into the living room.

"Any heretics for you lot and she gets a bullet between the eyes. Move now!" Kallen said to the rest of the group.

They all made their way into the living room too, Ben got to work tying all their hands behind their backs and going through their bags.

Lilah remembered the coordinates in her bag and quickly grabbed them out and threw them onto the fire burning in the middle of the room before Ben got to her.

"What was that!" Ben shouted as he saw the paper hit the fire.

"What was what?" Lilah asked pretending to be confused.

"You threw something. I saw you!" Ben aimed the gun at her.

"Just tell them Boo. It's not worth dying over!" Sasha looked at her.

Lilah didn't want to tell the guys what was on the paper but she felt like she had no choice. "Okay, it was—"

"It was the coordinates to her brothers grave." Sasha cut in.

"Yeah I.. I just.." Lilah didn't know what to say.

"She didn't want you assholes to find it and trash it after you're done killing us!" Aubree said in an angry tone.

"Oh Princess we're not going to kill you." Kallen said with a smirk.

"You're not? Then what are you going to do?" Aubree asked with a frown.

"A pretty little thing like you, I think we will put you on toilet cleaning duty, you can use your tooth brush to make them shine and then use it on your teeth.

Aubree felt sick at the thought.
"That's rank babes." Quinn said rolling her eyes. "I could give you better ideas."

"Better ideas like what?" Ben asked. He was very intrigued.

"Shut the fuck io Ben! We don't need her ideas." Kallen scolded.
"Where were you guys?" He added.

Quinn decided to tell the truth. "In the loft." She said with a shrug.

"Well shit, you are a smart one aren't you." Kallen said feeling rather impressed. "Matts going to love you guys."

The group all sat lined up on the sofa, waiting for Matt to turn up.

Lexi and Leather were still in the loft.
"You stay up here, I'll go and sort it out." Leather said.

"I'm coming with you!" Lexi said in a demanding tone.

"I don't want you to get hurt.." Leather sighed.

"They're my group too Dexter, we're in this together. What's the plan?" She smiled a little. She knew it was risky as hell.

"I have no fucking clue.." Leather said honestly.

They scrambled out of the loft and quietly opened the bedroom door, just as they did they heard the front door open downstairs.

"Oh look, Matt is here to end the lot of you." They heard Kellan say in a menacing tone.

"We've gotta get down there.. we have to try." Leather sighed and headed towards the stairs.

"Well well well, what do we have here.." came Matt's voice from downstairs.

Lexi froze. "What the.." she looked at Leather in complete shock.

"What Lex, what is it?" He asked her feeling very concerned.

Lexi didn't answer, she ran past Leather and down the stairs and ran straight into the living room.

Leather ran after her, he didn't have a clue what to do, Lexi had blown the element of surprise.

Are We AloneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora