A Dark Glitter Entertainment

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The more I reunite with the night hours, the more I know about the nefarious capitalism that blooms in this world. I don't know if I'm too young to be loud about this, but it needs to be known that sometimes...the things that seem to be an essence or a complement for our astonishment are a heavy blow for other "status". The storm and rain might be a final touch that is able to spice up an anniversary and warm tea party, but on the other hand, it needs to be known that it is also a phenomenon that can make the poor...poorer. A damaging existence instance, which has been wrapped with panoramic magnificence.

The constant normalization from such mundane matter alone has made me live to see and surf inclination and gravitation that can only prolong wickedness, which is a sight that I never thought capable of finding a shortcut in our consciousness. It has led us to praise many abominations to the point where we create countless entertainment that involves kids and many scenarios that can give satisfaction and playable memories to the sick grown middle-aged person.

It has made most of us incapable of analyzing premium sensations that exist to suppress psychological pressure and morality, causing the wandering tedium we possessed to be filled with primal lust and false meditation. It has terrified the world by giving birth to various deviant behaviors that possess a focus on resonating the atmosphere with a personality that is unable to swim through the smeared past and many things that falsely beautify, which is something that I know can only flatten the desire to overcome and to be sane.

I wonder...why can't we have more interactions that are worth a cup of tea and swaying breath? What are the young generations did to deserve a platform, workplace, and entertainment that can only echo nonsensical crisp, 5 seconds of attention and forget?. It is a forgotten self-reflective question, which has added a crazy amount of questionable behaviors, causing the occurrences that boil blood to be accepted normally.

I hate to see how easy it is for most people to accept fabrication and entities with absurdity, just because there's a small possibility of eating luxurious food and possessing a little amount of unnecessary clout at the end, although...it can only steer the mind into an opening that only relies on manipulation and the profit of selling "cameltoe" and "eggplant" images. In such a confusing manner, somehow...this matter alone has also made us unable to understand the effect of giving our bodies for something implicitly uncertain.

The constant praise towards all these "upper-class" amusement configurations has made many young generations have less interest and heartbeat in learning to have the ability to be diplomatic with their own state of mind, which is an underrated first step of dying. A profoundness that we rarely internalized until the image we see in the mirror is starting to bend the reality that we overused to sanctify recursive flaws. A particular behavior that I know has been able to create a massive social faint towards lavish insanity.

The constant depravity of this matter has dulled many societal grounds to the point where it is rare for people to possess the ability to articulate a story that can prevent the human mind from sleeping with abstractness. It has caused the young generations to act full of something towards activism and ideology, instead of around knowledge and evidence that has provided mankind with unique endurance to enunciate the right tribute behind the door of guilt.

The monstrosity of this incident has made me overheat my brain excessively with many logical lines and despite all the effort to convey, still...I can never understand why...the complementary philosophy that inspires today's people to approve many unconcentrated sexual feelings and many dysmorphia manipulations able to possess acoustic language and green room as this rotten incident occurs, despite...it can ruin the floating state of young generations with a sparkle that only resides around confusing doodling and interdimensional calling.

For some reason, somehow...the atmospheric circumstances from all these inhuman splashes are able to possess approval from the highest office, although it has granted and rammed the society with occurrences that exist to abandon common sense and wisening tutelage, which is...another conditioning system that I hate to see happen as the masses became more notorious with an individuality that revolves around desire without a cause. A system, which so far has been able to twist the kindest person and many monkish individuals into an ocean with never-ending fire.

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