A Gnosis Apprehension

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Many "devoted" organizations aim to swarm and eradicate communist behavior while at the same time attacking those who consume or do something that seems unholy in their books and agenda, even if it's meant for greater responsivity and tolerance. It is a never-ending phenomenon, which occurs for many decades due to our interest in glorifying and hiring individuals who had excessive joy in speculating their tiny delusional world towards the afterlife. A mundane affair...which I don't understand its vitality, despite it has surfaced many ancient dread.

To live and witnessing those who come from such a mindset echoing the desire to be heard and wanting to have more currency in life, so far...has been an oppressing and suffocating view I have to normalize and accept every day. Although...this particular ideal has surprised our humane consciousness with twisted tranquility, I find it confusing to see how it can penetrate and seep into our daily lives without any regulations and warnings from the office hierarchy.

How come today's youth are able to create opportunities and attain universe greatness if we keep utilizing virality and campaigns that only aims to convince people about the uncertain apocalyptic mess that is written in many pious books?. How can today's generation able to harness the benefit of experiencing mundane conflict if many of us still amplify ancient-divine assignments to their innocence?. Both are a question, which we always evade and ignore before we decide to grow and develop our children into a being with the right to hit the road and commence businesses for themselves.

What seems to be the core point that needs to be understood regarding this issue is...there are some malice and curiosity in this world that can make mankind hard to achieve reconciliation, which needs depth and clash from other victims to acquire resolution. Therefore...it is not wise for someone to become easily attracted by the things or speech that only promise a "paradisiacal ending" without having a reality about the necessity to experience or know what historically can civilize our inner progression. It is a standard that we need to strive for if we do want to reduce malevolent symptoms.

In the end, bear in mind that when teachings excessively perpetuate their own version of worthiness in reaching the heavenly door, it is also the same reason why it should not be trusted. It's something that needs to be echoed among the vigilance if we indeed want to reduce the burden of the world with all its grisly provocateur. Needless to say, it is important for someone to remember that there are writings and discourses that amplify the power of divinity, but never care to admit its limitations in comprehending the things that benefit a human reality.

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