A Valuable Poverty

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As leaves and flowers constantly fall to echo many chances of acquiring personal intimacies upon my journey, still...it has come to my attention that there are no other crucial things to do besides nurturing the vitality of my generations in knowing what they missed and need as the world demand the toughness of overcoming. It has reached a point where...the dimension of development I possess more accentuates what I tend to cure when no one seems to be able to inhale the savory they could actualize.

I have been blessed naturally with many advantages in mesmerizing the north star of a person's heart, still...for me, there are no other better duties than warning the people from my generation and beyond about the existence of social bandits that exist to persuade others to exchange their unspoken peace. A duty, which so far has allowed me to comprehend and gravitate many drops of emotions and knowledge that are condensing and corrupting the hierarchy of having a greater humane system.

Although this kind of vibration often triggered people's concerns and made me miss many opportunities to entertain myself, still...it never failed me with its power in generating enthusiasm towards the chapter of life I'm about to encounter even if there is a momentum that appears to be able to shatter any typical raw emotions. A piece of figment, which I unrealistically never thought can exist in my human soul until I experience many kinds of circles and physically mature crowds asking for advice about it at this point of young adulthood I currently undergo.

The never-ending sequence of metaphor insights that comes with this vibration is indeed an element that I resent its capability in making me outrageous with sleeping hours, but it sure is able to rewire many influences and forces of abandonment that lingers inside me into an empowering inner stimulation, which I tend to utilize if the moment of stargazing is given me a series of past argument to be spoken quietly as a relaxing drug.

What seems to be the comforting knowledge when I chose this kind of care towards others is...it has come to my attention that the impinging meaningless blindspot in mundane interactions can only be rarefied if most humans start to desire the necessity of underlining a conflict and a decision that contains reinforcement and a plausible cosmos of curiosity, not just common hardships to be solved. A desire, which is known can cause the followers clumsy or undisturbed towards not acquiring personal relationships while vibrant in sustaining the social ground.

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