Lack Of Dispute

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When it comes back to my world and personal impression about its modern inhabitants, so far...the populace with blindness has shown me that they are a lot more capable of seeing and patronizing the world as it should be. It has made me reach a point in life where I'm no longer can understand most resonance and utterance from a living consciousness that possesses healthy eyes to see and functioning ears to regulate what matters vastly for future generations.

It has reached a point of degradation where...we divinize the sound of a lavish car as if it was the source of self-esteem and charisma. We forbid our children to look outside the window of a car, just so we can divert their vision toward the diary of "royalty" even if there's no profoundness towards their simple-homely world, which in return has unconsciously caused many of the younger generations to become addicted to socialite life, even before the ability to say "ma-ma" and "da-da" is prominent and adequate. An incoherent aftermath and happenings that I don't understand why not being chased and beaten into the combustion chamber, despite it starting to show a breeding of glamorous oppression for the human sanity to bear.

Sometimes, between all this mess, I wonder...why no one seems to miss the time when children tend to prefer to put flowers between their mom and dad's ears?. A situation, which can give unforgettable drift and promising nature.

How come the future generation can possess restorative essence if the adults today tend to stimulate and promote egotistical occurrences that diminished and minimized a sense of responsibility towards terrible consequences and reckoning?. How can they able to enhance their resilience if the adults never display or can't argue about a simple immediate philosophy that can make their master unclouded when there is no presence of clapping?. Both are complementary questions, which I found unfulfilled as the world progressed into many kinds of shades we created upon our desire in making amusement and convenience.

What needs to be known regarding this blooming situation is crucial to understand that there's always a presence that will always try to ruin and replace other's vivid talent in order to provide light for the secret battlefield that we have in our world, which...can only find justice and transparency if we use our time fairly in sheltering and eternalizing a shred of evidence that comes from an instinct that battle shakiness in this earth.

Although...we might not have full leverage to control or prevent absurd things from occurring, we always have a choice in not attending what seems mindless in our history. It needs to be known that before we decide to breed and give the world a living consciousness, the circumstance we nourish needs to have an element of bearing that can fight and humanize a shunning ego, including all the possible aridity that comes along with a natural humane desire in creating immensity.

Whether someone willingly contributes their time to an event from numbing existence or it happens inevitably, it needs to be echoed inside our mind perpetually as a knowledge that uncritical trends tend to be more capable of giving expectations and promoting attainable fun, but incapable of preparing our existence towards the unavoidable obligations that come along as we aim to possess something higher. It is an outlook that needs to have an attachment with a sympathy that lies within ourselves if we do want disappointment and irony to work for us at some point in life.

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