Venerable Dissonance

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The trouble with loyalty to a cause in this world is that the cause can always betray its master. It is one of the most painful facts that I never expect can come out from the robotics movies and the entertainment world. It is an underrated fact, which in my observation has caused a fair amount of people to orbit alone like a satellite in the middle of galaxy mist and incapable of filtering mundane offerings that could give greater hunches.

The result of not knowing this basic fact regarding the meaning of a cause might not be able to affect the amount of empathy and contact we receive in weeks and months in a significant way, but it sure can make us resurrect curse and pervasive ambiguousness towards the childish dream we buried from the water of reality that brings heirdom and its outpace. In other words, it can make someone believe everything that has been taught and altered narrowly can convey a suitable legacy to live by.

What seems to be the knowledge needs to be known that the enormity of the pressure in this world will always tickle the human mind to pursue an orchestra that resembles salvation for basic needs and lust, which tend to take refuge inside the cause we praised. Bear in mind that sometimes...the images that are excessively filled with sunlight and rainbow inside our head are usually the ones that eliminate obviousness and humility. Both are a rhyme that one should have in mind before the desire to continue something valuable becomes certain.

Although...the action of conversating with a cause can appear many rectifying options for many types of cycles in life, matter how hurting it can be, it is necessary to accept that a cause is also an element in life that needs more than a feisty execution. It needs a piece of mind that is willing to accept whatever value that can be obtained from failing and disappointing a clash and valor, including all its pleasant celebrations.

On the other ground of our faithfulness as a being that loves to explore, it needs to be understood that the mainsprings of our ambition will never be free from starting point and acquire significant power to leap if there's no desire to put the freedom into a coma and let the heart breathe between the calibers of punches. would be better to not praise a cause or a purpose that rarely necessitates the acknowledgment of betrayal and grieving goodbyes.

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