Chance To Believe?

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In my journey as a young adult who lives and gains energy from witnessing random interactions, sometimes...when the glasses view becomes slippery with the sweat from my eyes, it is usual for an individual like me to grunt about cycles and many rapidities that envision what my eyes not ready to see, which so far has reached a point of unexplainable intrusion where I can see prophecy...only by seeing the simplest shades of humans and object movement.

It has come to my convenience that perhaps...a person like myself has always become an option for the universe to choose as an entity of profoundness for sullen interactions and many other exhausting humanitarian interests. Needless to say, it is also the reason why an individual like me can be highly sophisticated with unspoken conflict that breeds a small world of radicality.

I can't seem to find solace by working and lurking with existence and presence that only concentrates one mood towards digesting deliberation. It has come to my confining that if the plodding of the world starts to be handled with unseriousness and comical publicity, the people that live in the future world will become able to spew a stronger threat to defeat human consciousness that regulates the basic fallacies. A landscape, which the universe and I agreed as something that should not be ignored.

What seems to be the encouraging external demeanor for me to keep doing such salient dodging acts has come to my awareness that it starting to become rare for today's humans to want or face an opening that could give a refinement facts a trend to be known by the newer generations. It is rare for today's humans to have an interest in listening to a concept that can truly adopt or teach transcendence toward humane mannerisms and foundations. Both are scarcity, which in my knowledge has caused the world neglected to the point where sheer pleasure is the only element left to be praised as something that can breed "intellectuality".

I have believed that...the controversy between me and the universe that attacked my consciousness was never been about acquiring supremacy over another zoning that the inhabitants of this world crave, but it's more about reducing the normalizations that can completely delete the beauty of human effort and make mankind feel immune towards the trickery of using an advance instrument that can "dismiss" any uncomfortableness with a simple magnitude of swiping.

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