I stir in my sleep, feeling someone gently hold me.
"Mm." I stretch, opening my eyes.
I see the royal palace as Cabel carries me in his arms, stepping off the carriage with his cape wrapped around me.
"Cabel?" I call out.
He looks down and smiles.
"Have a good sleep?"
I nod, my cheeks flush as I wiggle in his arms.
"You can let me down..." I call out.
"You fainted back in Avris, it's clear you're still weak. But how disappointing, you fainted after our kiss-"
I cover his mouth, my cheeks burning as they flush more.
"D-Don't say that out loud!" I scold.
Cabel's eyes gaze back at me mischievously. Soon I feel his lips press against my palm, lightly kissing my hand.
I stare at him flustered, feeling his lips form into a grin.
I jump, feeling him bite my hand. I rip my hand away, shocked as Cabel flashes an amused grin.
He gently places me down.
"W-Why would you do that?" I exclaim.
"Because your reactions are amusing." He snickers, gazing at my beet red face.

"My lady!"
I turn to see Lance and Magnolia run down the palace steps, rushing up to us.
"Thank heavens!"
Magnolia and Lance cry out, quickly smothering me in hugs.
"Ack! H-Hello." I take a step back.
"We were so worried! I couldn't even sleep, worried about if you were being hurt!" Magnolia cries, hugging me tightly.
"I shouldn't have allowed his highness to banish you to the golden palace! You would have been safe if you stayed in the royal palace!" Lance exclaims.
Lance glares at Cabel. Cabel avoids looking at him, feigning innocence.
"I-It's okay! I'm fine, I promise!" I smile, putting my hands up.
Lance and Magnolia inspect me to be sure.
"Regardless, you need to do a full check up! I asked the healer to come, they should be here shortly!" Lance assists me, persuasively helping me walk up the stairs.
I look back at Cabel as he follows.

"Lady Luna... I've completed all I need to see." The healer lets go of my hands after examining.
I sit in my bed of the royal palace, the healer sitting on a chair beside me.
"How's my condition?" I ask, nervous.
"Your condition is perfectly healthy and fine. You have the most extraordinary powers I've ever seen."
"What do you mean?" Cabel asks, leaning against the window sill.
I look confused at the healer. He looks back at Cabel and I.
"Oh, you are unaware. Well, her body is completely healed and there's no damage, but her aura flows intensely. It's easily felt running through my hands, just from direct contact. She is mortal but her powers are as incredible as Sol's, she has powers of divinity!"
"I-Is that a good thing?" I ask.
"Yes, my lady. You're able to use your powers by using 'soul remnants'. You can transfer the soul pieces into others and heal them fully, or transfer some of your powers through direct contact."
"Direct contact... I see." Cabel grins, thinking to himself.
"W-What's the matter?" I ask.
"When I was ill before, you touched my arm and something shocked me, but it felt like my mana was replenishing. I already had a suspicion you might have had abilities, but didn't have enough evidence." Cabel replies.
"Yes, well hearing about the events that happened, her powers must have awakened and revived you. It restarted your souls lifecycle, healing you fully and bringing you back from permanent death." The healer looks at Cabel and I.
I sit lost, confused by his words.
"Hm... That bastard that was there too. Explain it."
"Well, when her powers awakened, a huge release of her souls potential freed her aura and powers. Her aura is extremely divine that when it fully broke free, it possibly sent a wave of her abilities to those in a radius around her. Since him and your highness was in the radius, she healed him and brought him back to life as well. She can learn through time how to use it more directly, so she'll be able to fully heal those she wants to heal, and even be able to extend someone's lifeline."
"If I may ask, my brother... He borrowed powers from a demon... After my powers released, he was powerless. How did that happen?" I fidget feeling uncomfortable with my newfound abilities.
"He borrowed his powers from a demon from the dark. Your divinity overpowered him and essentially cleansed him. Your powers essentially washed away anything evil."
"She purified him?" Cabel glances up at me.
"Yes, it's very remarkable. Healers have a limited amount of divinity so we can not do anything as extraordinary as that. Lady Luna on the other hand shows an aura so strong, it defies magic laws, she's just like the great Sol!" He exclaims happily.
"You know my past, but when I was revived at birth, I assumed my powers were from a demon. What does it mean since my powers are still with me?" Cabel's eyebrows furrow as he thinks back.
"You were never given a demon's power then. Your highness, if it were true, your powers would have been stripped as well. Most likely you were revived, but originally the powers you have, were with you since birth."
"What a foolish lie..." Cabel mutters to himself, "All this time I assumed I was given a demon's power cause of those dimwitted parents of mine, when in reality I was born with them?"
"It was merely an accident that your parents assumed your powers were borrowed. I assume they could only revive you, not borrow a demon's powers for you, due to the fact that you already wielded strong abilities. One cannot borrow a demon's powers if they hold powers greater than it, it's why demon's can only target weaker powerless people." The healer smiles reassuringly, "Now, do you have any other questions for me, Lady Luna?"
The healer turns back to me and smiles.
I smile slightly as I look back at him.
"Before I came to Cypheler, something protected me. It was a strong wind which pushed the people who wanted to hurt me away... Was that because of me too?"
"Potentially yes, I'll explain it more detailed. Most rely on mana as the source of their powers, for example Emperor Cabel here. His mana replenishes itself depending on how strong his abilities are, and his mana is essentially refilled by his soul overtime. Since everyone keeps their soul while alive, his mana will always refill unless he's close to death, then his mana can not replenish itself quick enough. His mana will begin to eat his soul if it runs out. However, divine powers are directly from your soul, that mana isn't necessary. Even if your mana somehow runs out, your powers won't be affected unless you lose your life. I'm speculating that your powers, prematurely 'woke up'. Divinity is used with soul remnants, and so can create a surge of energy with soul remnants and project it however you can depending on your strength. The other healers will be so thrilled to hear about your powers though!"
"Oh, I'm uninterested with unwanted attention. I do not wish for my powers to be publicly known..."
The healer looks at me taken aback.
He glances at Cabel as he stares at me kindly.
"I understand. May I ask why? With your powers, you could work for the cathedral as a child to serve Sol's wishes."
"She said no. If they find out, I expect you to understand what that'll entail." Cabel stands, smiling coldly.
He waves his hand, opening the door with his powers. He flicks his finger and the healer stands up automatically as a shadow pushes him up.
"Yes, I understand, your highness. Oh, I should warn you. Under any circumstance, you should never use these powers to take someone's life away. If you kill someone with your powers, their soul would enter your soul and could cause damage or kill you in turn."
"What?" I stare back at Cabel, "Is it the same for all abilities?"
"No, no, it's only for those who were blessed with divinity. When his highness takes a life, the soul would just enter his mana and replenish it more. Since you're powers are directly from your soul, your body will absorb another soul with yours, but that can be fatal as we were each given our own individual souls. These are divine powers meant to heal and protect, and taking a life with them will come at a price."
"I see... Thank you." I bow my head.
"Rest well, Lady Luna. May glory of Helios rest upon you, your highness." The healer bows, leaving the room.

I take a sigh of relief as I lean against the headboard.
My hands begin to tremble as things finally calm down.
Cabel moves over, sitting down beside me. He gently takes my shaking hands in his.
"I have powers?" I repeat, unable to believe it.
"I know it's a lot to take in, but we'll go over it step by step until you're used to it." Cabel kindly speaks.
Cabel gently rubs his thumb over my trembling fingers.
"I'm sorry I couldn't get to you in time... Were you scared?" Cabel lifts my hand, gently pressing his lips against my fingers.
"No, you still came for me...  It's okay."
"You don't need to lie... I'm the only one here, so what's keeping you from being honest?"
My body shakes as I remember the fear from being with Micheal alone. Every haunting memory coming back to me.
Before I know it, my cheeks are wet with tears.
Cabel stands, moving to sit on the bed beside me. His arms wrap around me, hugging me tightly.
I rest my cheek on his chest as tears drop down my face.

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