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"Please~" Jimin pouted, holding the short black skirt up to his chin. "Why do you even want a skirt?" V questioned, already knowing why. "Because I only have one, and I like this one!" Jimin playfully stomped his foot, making a few people look weirdly at them. "But it's a skirt, Jim-"  "I don't care! You know what, I will buy it with my own money." Jimin squinted at V as he walked away from him. V sighed as he followed Jimin up to the register, carrying a pair of leather jeans for him, and a pink and blue hoodie for Jimin.

"Thank you!" Jimin giggled happily as he turned around to V. "I will wait outside for you." He smirked close to V's face as he left the store carrying a small white bag. "Oh my lord." V laughed to himself as he placed the two clothing items on the counter by the cash register.

Jimin tapped his foot impatiently outside of the store, waiting for V to hurry up. Suddenly, he felt a huge wave of nausea crash against him. He groaned as he felt extremely dizzy, and closed his eyes as he looked down. He turned around to look for a bathroom, but was only met with a bunch of other random stores in the mall. He clutched his stomach as he went across the mall to a small restaurant. He bit his lip as he felt he would throw up soon, and frantically searched for a 'bathroom' sign. Luckily he found the blue sign, and walked quickly across the restaurant, trying not to attract any attention. He gagged harshly into his hand as he rushed into the bathroom, and swallowed a mouthful of salvia harshly as he dropped the bag next to him in the single stall.

He leaned over just in time to throw up into the porcelain bowl, instantly collapsing onto his knees as his throat burned like fire. Tears formed in the corners of his eyes as he only threw up a bit, but enough to take a big chunk of strength from him. Once he was finished, he clutched his stomach harshly as he tried to relieve the harsh cramp. He whimpered as he was still severely nauseous, and reached in his back pocket to try and contact V. He wasn't able to look at the screen as he dropped his phone, the brightness sending a sharp pain to his head.

"God, where did he go?" V groaned as he frantically looked in the surrounding stores. He texted Jimin maybe 5 minutes ago, and his messages weren't even seen. He began to panic as he only had one more store to look at for Jimin, before he had to start searching the entire mall. "Excuse me?" V went up to one of the waitress in the restaurant who was by the entrance. "Yes, do you have a reservation?" The lady smiled sweetly at him.

"Um, no. I was wondering if someone by the name of Jimin came in here a few minutes ago. H-he's about 5'8, and he has pink hair, and he's wearing a white shirt with gray sweatpants." V explained. The waitress could tell he was stressed and freaking out. "Is he-" "He ran off, and I don't know where he went. I've checked every store, and this is the last place he has to be. Could you please- maybe just check who's in here, if you can?" V asked frantically. "Yes, I can look for you." The woman nodded as she looked down at her tablet. Meanwhile, V scanned every face in the restaurant.

"He's not registered in here." The woman spoke up, looking up at V. "Okay- I really need to find him, so do you think I-we could look at he security camera's?" V panicked, his heart rate going a hundred miles an hour. "I'm sorry, we can't-" V groaned as he hid his face in his hands, clearly agitated. "I could call security and tell them to look for-" "No, thank you anyway." V sighed as he quickly left the restaurant. The woman was concerned, and called security anyway. She remembered the boys name, height, and clothing, and told them he was missing. They agreed to start searching the mall.

Jimin waited in the bathroom for maybe an hour before he told himself he had to get up. V was probably freaking out. He placed his phone in the white bag with his skirt, and forced himself onto his feet. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and flushed the toilet as he stepped out. He still felt incredibly dizzy and nauseous, but he hoped he wouldn't throw up in the middle of the mall. He exited the restaurant, and went back to the store V was in; praying he stayed at the store and waited for him to return.

The person at the register welcomed him back suspiciously. Jimin didn't mean to ignore them, he just felt sick and wanted to go home. He wanted to call V, but the bright screen only made him feel worse, no matter how low he set the screen brightness. He searched around the store while holding his stomach, not caring about the looks some people gave him. He whined quietly when he didn't find V in the store, and left with a pout mixed with a scared expression.

He turned on his phone, telling himself to suck it up and call Taehyung. He managed to get to Vs contact before he stumbled over, almost falling. He dropped his phone on the marble floor, and winced as he just barely caught his balance in time. He saw some people staring at him as he grabbed his phone, but didn't care as he kept his hand clutched to his stomach. He was relieved his phone wasn't broken or cracked, and decided he couldn't physically do it. He felt like dying.

As he stumbled over to the store next to the one he last saw V in, he was suddenly grabbed by the wrists from behind. Jimin yelped and instantly tried to free himself in a state of panic. "Are you Jimin?" A security guard asked him. "Who are you? How do you know my name?" Jimin questioned, successfully freeing himself from the guard's grip. "Are you Jimin?" The same guard repeated, looking seriously into Jimin's eyes. "Y-yes-" "We found him." The guard spoke into his walkie-talkie. He again grabbed Jimin by his arm, and started to pull him somewhere. "Let go of me! Get off!" Jimin yelled as he tried to pry the man's harsh grip off of his arm. "No, let me go!" He repeated as tears of fear began to form in his eyes. "Calm down, Jimin. I'm taking you back to your friend. He's extremely worried about you." The security guard told him, speaking something into his walkie-talkie. "Who's worried?" Jimin questioned as he was dragged by security. He didn't respond.

"Let go of me right now!" Jimin screamed as he jerked his arm back, also pulling the guard back slightly as well. Jimin winced at the sharp pain that stung his arm when he pulled his arm back, and yelped as the guard pulled him back forward. "Come on!" The security told him, extremely irritated. "NO!" Jimin saw a few people staring at him as he tried his hardest to pull away. The security told something into his walkie-talkie, standing still as he heard a response. "Please let me go!" Jimin whimpered as he wanted to cry. He was still dizzy and nauseous, and this panic wasn't helping. "V is on his way, Jimin. Take a deep breath, and calm down." The guard told him. Jimin instantly stopped pulling his arm away, and stared at the guard in his eyes.

The security guard smiled calmly at Jimin as he went back to talking into his walkie-talkie. A few minutes later, Jimin spotted V walking in the middle of 2 security guards. As soon as they made eye-contact, V ran as fast as he could toward him, and completely abandoned the security guards. Jimin stumbled back at the force of V crashing into him, and he squeezed Jimin into a tight hug. "Ow~" Jimin whined as his stomach started to hurt again from the pressure of V against him.

"God Jimin I thought something bad happened to you I was so scared." V spoke quickly as he breathed a breath of relief. The security guards smiled at the happy reunion, and the one guard let go of Jimin's arm. "Why were you gone from the spot outside of the store I thought you said you'd stay there and wait for me." V rambled as he was still clinging tightly to Jimin. "I felt really sick, and I was gonna throw up, so I went into the restaurant across the store. But I stayed there for longer than I thought, and by the time I left, I discovered I was there for an hour." Jimin explained as the security guards left.

"Why didn't you text me or call me I was freaking out Jimin!" V yelled softly at him as he separated their hug. "My phone screen made me really dizzy and sick, and I almost fell down trying to call you." Jimin told him. "Why didn't you turn down the brightness?!" V questioned, staring him in the eyes. "I did. It didn't work." Jimin explained. "God- we're done shopping." V sighed as he took the white bag from Jimin's hand, and held his hand with his free one as he began walking toward one of the exits.

Jimin felt himself blushing madly as he walked alongside of V. They've never held hands before. V playfully tugged Jimin's hand, and Jimin was pulled closer to him. V kissed him on the lips as he continued walking, feeling an extremely strong feeling he's never felt before. Jimin blushed even more as he smiled and pulled away, looking down at the marble floor as they walked. As they reached the east exit of the huge mall, V finally identified what he was feeling, and what he's been feeling since he saw Jimin safe with a security guard.


Word Count: 1, 720

Always | Vmin {Mpreg} BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now