Footsteps in the sand (N)

30 3 1

I am...swimming? Floating? Falling?
Is this what death feels like?

At this point, after being told that everything I ever was taught to believe was illusion...I was just about convinced, that I'd close my eyes and just...stop to exist.
That there would be nothing but nothingness waiting for me after I pass.

But this...this isn't it?
At least it doesn't quite feel like 'nothing'.
I don't know what it feels like, but it is definitely 'something'.

Plus, I'm still thinking.
At least I think I am thinking.

I don't know how much time passes while I am idly floating through this sea of all-encompassing darkness, but I guess it doesn't matter...being dead and all, I shouldn't have to worry about how much time has passed.

Fragments of my memory slowly return to me, allowing me to piece together how I ended up in this situation.

That's right...I offered my brain as a processing power boost to the ship AI, so it has a fighting chance against the terror I brought aboard.

Wonder how that turned was probably all in vain anyway.
How I ever figured that to be a good idea is beyond me...what in the world made me think, that trying to beat Legion on its own territory was a good idea?

I remember my desperation, after the first plan to shut everything down had quite spectacularly failed, the thought that we'd need another God to kill the malevolent God at this point crossed my mind.

As such, unleashing Garkla, the offspring of the 'God' that supposedly spawned my entire race, was the sole logical conclusion my weary mind could possibly concoct in these circumstances.

I...I think we made it to the terminal in my did I even know to go there?
I...I remember telling them, that I might be able to shut down Legion from there, but that was a lie...there is no 'central access point' from where the computer system could be manipulated in such a way. Far too dangerous. Still, somehow I...somehow I knew to go there. And wasn't there an isolated copy of Garkla waiting for me there?

...has it ever truly been my plan?

Just as I ponder this question, I feel a presence surrounding me.
Somewhere in the distance, I hear something akin to a drop falling into a still body of water...though I don't think I really 'hear''s more like...the sound just...appears in my head?

A strange feeling...yet not quite unfamiliar.
Did it not feel much the same when the Leviathan communicated with me?

"Hello?" I call out into the darkness surrounding me, immediately feeling like a fool for even just hoping that I might get any sort of response.


That...sound again.
Where is it coming from?

It feels like it comes from...everywhere at the same time.

Just as I turn around, a different sound, accompanied by sensation of warmth makes my world of darkness explode in a multitude of small sparks of light, which disappear just as quickly as they had appeared.


What...a...a heartbeat?
And...and this feeling...warm...familiar...comfortable...

Is this Garkla's embrace?
Did Rose lie to me after all, about Garkla just being an artificial intelligence tasked with creating a species through guided evolution?
Is...Garkla a true God after all?
A being far beyond our comprehension?

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