Hell_ d_rkness, my _ld friend

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When I c_me t_, d_rkness surr_unds me.

I c_nn_t feel the gr_und _ene_th me _ny m_re...it feels like I'm fl__ting.

N_ wind rustling thr_ugh my h_ir.

N_ m_re smell _f _urned flesh perme_ting the _ir.

N_ m_re sh_king gr_und.

N_ m_re..._nything, re_lly.

It's _ll...just g_ne.

I guess this is it then...I've died.

My __dy is pr____ly still _n the sh_re _f th_t _l_sted l_ke, sh_ttered _ey_nd rec_gniti_n _y the f_rces _f n_ture.

I w_nder if _t le_st Sirus m_de it _ut _f th_t infern_.

Th_ugh it pr____ly w_uld _e _etter, if he died in the m_unt_in himself..._t le_st then he w_n't h_ve t_ grief me.

S_ m_ny things I yet w_nted t_ te_ch him...s_ m_ny things I yet w_nted t_ tell him...s_ m_ny things I yet w_nted t_ _p_l_gize f_r.

Th_ugh I guess it's t__ l_te n_w...unless _f c_urse, I'll see him _n the _ther side?

With _ll the terri_le things I've d_ne, we _t le_st sh_uld _e g_ing t_ the s_me pl_ce...the etern_l t_rment th_t is the fires _f Ede.

It cert_inly w_uld _e nice t_ h_ve _ friend there...th_ugh they pr____ly w_n't let me see him.

It's n_t _ wellness res_rt _fter _ll.

While I keep fl__ting, I w_nder wh_t I sh_uld d_ next?

Wh_t is _ne supp_sed t_ d_ _fter h_ving died _nd while _w_iting judgment?

Is it even supp_sed t_ keep me in suspense this l_ng?

I sigh _nd tiny _u__les rise in fr_nt _f my m_uth.

I c_n't re_lly see them, _ut I c_n he_r the _xygen fr_m my lungs f_rm _u__les _nd feel them tickling my n_se.


Did I...did I g_ t_ the gr_nd _ce_n _f G_rkl_ _fter _ll?

W_it, _m I..._re_thing?

I sh_uldn't need t_ _re_the _ny m_re, _ec_use I'm de_d...right?

While I still p_nder the th_ught, I suddenly st_p fl__ting _nd hit _ s_ft surf_ce with _ light thud.

I try t_ feel it _nd dig my h_nds int_ s_ft s_nd _ene_th me.

_ut...the _ce_n _f G_rkl_ is supp_sed t_ _e with_ut end in _ny directi_n.

It is supp_sed t_ _e _s infinite _s the se_ _f st_rs itself.

H_w c_uld I h_ve hit the __tt_m?

Unless...this isn't the gre_t _ey_nd _fter _ll.

I l__k _r_und, _ut c_nn_t perceive _nything _ut d_rkness surr_unding me.

_k_y, Nym: Think.

The gr_und tends t_ _e _n the __tt_m _f wh_tever __dy _f w_ter...s_, if I just push myself _w_y fr_m the surf_ce, I sh_uld _e g_ing up.

Light _nd the surf_ce tend t_ _e in th_t directi_n, s_ th_t's where I need t_ g_.

I get t_ my feet, which results in _ c_sc_de _f p_in, _ut it t_kes me _ m_ment t_ re_lize th_t s_mething is missing.

The _l_rms.

My impl_nts sh_uld _e telling me just h_w much _f my __dy is d_m_ged _y n_w..._ut there's n_thing.

N_thing _ut silence _nd even _s I try t_ query them _ctively, they d_n't resp_nd.

_re they..._r_ken?

I sit __ck d_wn _nd h_ld my he_d.

This is __d.

If my impl_nts _re re_lly _ut f_r g__d, g_ing t_ the surf_ce might well kill me.

_ut still...I need t_ kn_w.

I need t_ g_ up t_ see if there is light t_ _e f_und.

_ut I need t_ _e c_reful.

I h_ve n_ ide_, h_w deep d_wn I re_lly _m _nd h_w much pressure my __dy currently h_s t_ de_l with.

I...need t_ g_ ___ut this sl_wly.

_nd sm_rt. Ye_h, n_ re_s_n t_ p_nic right n_w.

_fter _ll, this is either the w_ckiest _fterlife I've ever he_rd ___ut, _r I s_meh_w m_n_ged t_ get int_ the l_ke _fter _ll...th_ugh I re_lly c_nn_t remem_er, h_w in the w_rld I'm supp_sed t_ h_ve m_n_ged th_t.

_nd...the l_ke is s_ d_mn deep th_t light d_esn't tr_vel t_ where I _m.

Right, th_t...th_t s_unds pl_usi_le.

Pl_usi_le is g__d.

I c_refully st_nd _n the s_lid gr_und with __th feet, str_ighten myself like I w_s t_ught during my diving less_ns _nd then kick myself _ff t_w_rds the surf_ce.

I c_nn_t rely _n the gyr_sc_pe t_ help me figure _ut where up _nd d_wn _re, s_ I'd _etter _e c_reful t_ m_int_in _ str_ight p_sture.

It t_kes me ___ut 10 minutes _f c_reful _nd sl_w swimming int_ wh_t I h_pe is _ctu_lly the s_me directi_n, until I c_n fin_lly perceive _ light in the dist_nce.

_ut...s_mething is str_nge.

The...light _ppe_rs t_ _e m_ving.

_s I st_re _t the m_ving light, I re_lize it c_mes cl_ser.

_nd s_mething else cr_sses my mind.

If it is indeed _live, it might n_t _e friendly!

I st_rt swimming _g_in, t_w_rds wh_t I perceive _s the 'directi_n t_w_rds the surf_ce', _ll the while keeping _n eye _ut t_ the luminescent cre_ture _ppr__ching me.

Just h_w deep is this _l__dy l_ke _nyw_y?!

_s I keep g_ing f_ster _nd f_ster, the light st_ys _el_w me.

G__d ridd_nce, y_u gl_wing creep, wh_tever y_u might h_ve _een!

_nd thus I keep swimming.

H_ping _nd pr_ying t_ G_rkl_, th_t I will find the surf_ce _ef_re s_mething fr_m _ene_th the surf_ce finds me.

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