Master Nemo (S)

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I never realized, how long two days could be, if you're actually waiting for them to pass.

Everything around here is so slow-paced, it's almost painful.

I see people making idle chatter or play games I've never seen before.

Sure, they try to talk to me too, ask me about my time outside, my time with Nym, but I don't feel very compelled to talk about it.

Partially, because they just seem interested in gossip and not the facts, partially because my knowledge of the outside is my only real bargaining chip to be let before this stupid council.

I lean back against the wall behind my bed, when a question formulates itself in the back of my mind.
Multiple questions actually.
And I know just the guy I can ask them.

I jump off my bed and ask around for Robert, but mostly just get 'Who?' as a response, which only adds to my confusion.

The first three times, I figure, that they just don't know him...after all, I don't know them either...but then I happen to come across one of the people who were with him on the beach.

But just like with the others, he tilts his head and asks, "Who...? I'm sorry, I don't know any 'Robert'. Are you sure he survived?"
"Yes, I am sure! He was standing next to you just yesterday and came after me, when I..."

I stop mid-sentence.
Robert had asked me to keep my little walk to the council room a secret for the time being.
Something about preventing a widespread panic or something.
Since it didn't seem like a really bad secret to have, I agreed...turns out, having secrets is harder than I remember it to be.

I clear my throat and begin to describe Robert, while a ludicrous thought begins to form in the back of my mind.

What if Robert didn't survive?
What if the man I saw was a ghost of some sort?
What if I'm actually caught in some sort of dream?

...what if I never managed to escape Rose's domain?
What if she captured me and is making me see those dreams?
Or maybe I died after all and this is the other side?

Before my mind can spiral itself deeper into desperation, the face of the man lights up and says, "Oh, you mean Master Nemo!"
...'Master Nemo'? The heck?

I shake my head and revert my attention back to the man in front of me and ask, "I'm sorry, could you repeat what you just said?"
"...I said, that he's currently in session with the council."
"...shouldn't he be in quarantine, just like the rest of us? 48 hours and all that?"

All of a sudden, the man bites his lip, looking around shiftily and I quickly realize what's going on.

I'm the only one who's in quarantine here...or much rather 'in custody'. And all those people around me are not there, because they've been in contact with me...they're here to watch me, so I don't do anything stupid.

I assume a relaxed stance to not give my rising sense of anger away and ask, "Alright, I think we should have a little private."

I make sure, that my tone of voice leaves no room for objection or doubt that I am serious.

The man gulps slightly, but still agrees and leads me to a secluded area.

"Alright now, spill it...there isn't a real quarantine going on. It's just me, right?"
"Yeah well...there is a quarantine protocol, but that's only for away parties. Master Nemo never made any contact with any life form outside of the..."
"Bullshit," I interrupt him and say, "He's made contact with plenty of life forms out there. And he dragged them right to the council."
"W-what do you...what do you mean?" the man asks, now openly afraid.

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