Nym's message (S)

17 3 1

After climbing out from 'the Abyss', Natalia shows me around some more.

As it turns out, most people in the colony spend the nights camped out in the Garden area, because it's the only area, that supplies enough room even though it's tilted to the side.

The lineup of the Garden itself hasn't changed all that much, however I notice a particularly empty area relatively close to the ground.

I ask Natalia, why nobody seems to be sleeping there, which makes her chuckle and reply, "Maybe you should ask Newt for the reason."
"Newt? Who's that?"

Natalia raises her hand and points to a man with a really big bruise on his head, which was, at one point, bigger still.

It looks like he bumped his head quite hard...or much rather...

I look up to the floor, where a few apple trees were still standing firmly rooted in the ground.
Their branches extended well into the room for about three or four meters...which just happened to be about the width of the clear area.

I put two and two together and reply, "No, that's alright, I think I get it," causing Natalia to snort out a laugh.
A few heads turn and scan me, but I pay them no mind.

I guess I should get used to being the freak show around here.

After the tour, which consisted of the commons, where people cleaned themselves up and the various work stations, we return to the Garden.

Natalia raises her arm and says, "And...that's about it. Welcome to the colony, I guess."
"Thanks for showing me around...say, do you think I could stay here for a while?"
"...err...I think? But...I thought you were 'the guest of honor' of the council. Surely they have made something better available for 'the survivor'?"

I scratch my head, unsure how to answer that.
Sure, having a room all to myself does have its charms, but for some reason...
"I...don't think the council is all that happy with me right now."
"Well, make yourself at home then. Oh and just so you know, tonight is free, but starting tomorrow, you'd better get to working. You can work, right?"

I look up to the garden ground above me and a flood of memories comes crashing down on me.

The countless hours I've spent tending to this soil and hated every minute of it, but also the joy of reaping the first vegetables from the small garden he had built in the crater of the volcano.

The deep sense of satisfaction, as I watched the small saplings push themselves out of the dark soil, towards the light of the sun.

I lean against the grassy wall and let out a deep sigh.

The guy with the big bruise comes walking and says, "Um, dude, I wouldn't sit there, if I was you."
"The branches extend way over there. I don't think an apple will fall from the roots of the tree."

Newt peers upwards and then sits next to me.
"Rough day, huh?"
"Rough life is more like it...you know who I am?"
"The saddest hero I've ever seen...want to talk about it?"

I look around the myriad of faces, as they prepare themselves for the night and then reply, "I screwed up. Like...big time."
"Ah yeah? What happened?"

I let out a big sigh and then start talking.

About how I rallied the people of block D to join the rebellion, how I just barely escaped the destruction of the ship, how I crashed on Tisis, where I met and teamed up with Nym, what ordeals we survived together, how we managed to fight our way to this place up to the point where I turned down Eva's advances."

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