Voices in the darkness (S)

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In the middle of the lights out period, my bladder wakes me up.
I groan, get up, climb down the worn down ladder and follow the faint blue dots outlining the walkways towards the central area where the dots split up into different colors.

I evade another late walker, giving him a disgruntled 'Evening' as I pass him and then head down the yellow dots towards the sanitary district, or, as we lovingly dubbed it, the pisspot.

I pass through the door into the dimly lit area, pick one of the sinkholes the Asmodei have so very graciously supplied with and hunker down to get rid of whatever is clogging my intestines this time around.

Nothing like a good day's work to get your digestion going after all.

Just as I slowly feel it coming, I hear footsteps coming closer.
Just great...not even in the middle of the dark period I can have any privacy to take care of my personal business.

Wait...something's wrong.
What is that sound?
Sounds like something is clicking on the ground.

In fact, it kinda sounds like...like the footsteps of an Asmodean!

I pull my crap back in and my pants up.

I really don't want to get caught with my pants down by them...quite literally at that.

However the Asmodean doesn't seem to be alone if it really is one.

They are wearing some sort of cloak in jet black like I've never seen before.
And the clicking does sound a bit like the Asmodean footsteps, but yet they are different.

The other person seems familiar though, but the light is too bad for me to make out anything but silhouettes from where I am standing.

They are talking about something, but I'm too far away to hear anything, but on the other hand they don't seem to have noticed me either.

Why would anyone come here to talk about anything?
Especially an Asmodean?

I want to know.
No, I must know more.
If one of us is working with the Asmodei, I need to know.

I creep closer, keeping to the shadows, where the feeble lights do not reach.
Every now and then they look around, but never seem to spot me.
Guess now all that hide and seek I used to play as a kid really pays off.

After they made sure that they really are alone, a male voice I quickly recognize as Robert's asks, "So what is all this about?"

"Did we really have to come here? This place..."
"Well, of course we could always ask our dear hosts to help us clean up this place, but I think we both know how that would end...now spill it. What did you want to talk to me about that nobody must know about?"

"Right..." the hooded woman replies, holding her sleeve in front of her face, apparently trying to block the stench.
How very pointless.
And every human woman would know how pointless it really is.

"...do you remember the lockdown two three ago?"
"...tell me, do I look stupid to you? If so, this conversation is over."
"No, of course not. My apologies...either way, do you know what caused it?"

Robert circles his hand in the air, motioning the woman to continue while underlining that his patience is running thin.
Finally something we can agree on.

"...the humans of block X staged a revolt. Unfortunately for them, a single guard managed to escape and alerted the entire ship. The revolt was put down. Violently. As far as I know, there were no survivors."

"Obviously. Our dear lords do not take lightly to uprisings of any sort. Why, one wrong word can get you zapped. Just the other day, one of my own almost got himself killed by his temper."

"...you are missing the point."
"Well, what is the point of your story?! To not cross them?! We already learned that lesson! A long time ago!"
"No, that is not what I was trying to tell you! Listen, if not for the one that got away...you could all be free now! The plan worked! They took control of their entire block without anyone noticing! It can be done! They have done it!"

"And now they are dead," Robert replies in a matter of fact voice.
"Because they were too few. And uncoordinated. The next time, it will be different."
"...what do you mean...'next time'?"

The woman sighs and replies in a hushed voice, "The next time the lights get turned off, all cell doors will open. That will be your time to rise. Your time to break free of the chains you have inherited from your ancestors."

"...and what if we fail?"
"...your suffering will end. One way...or another."
"...I see...and why should we go with your suicide mission?"
"...because it is your nature. I have studied your history. In the 18th century, people were suffering, while their lords lived a lavish life at the expense of the poor. In 1789, the people had enough and rose. They freed themselves from their oppressors! And now you, the people of this time, almost a thousand years later, can do it again! You can be free again!"

"...or dead."
"Allow me to ask you...what is better? To live in captivity? Living to serve a lord who lives a lavish life at your expense? Or to fight for your freedom?"
"...or die a pointless death."
"...I have said what I meant to say. Now please excuse me...I must take my leave."

After the woman left, Robert turns in my direction and says aloud, "...not sure who you are and I'm not going to come find you...but I strongly suggest you finish what you originally came here to do and forget about what you heard just now."

He turns around and walks off.

Guess I need to practice my sneaking some more after all.
But then again, maybe that won't be necessary.
Never again.

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