Captain Nemo (N)

20 4 1

By the end of the hour, I can see it rise against the horizon of the rising sun.
The leviathan did not lie...they somehow managed to build a huge mast on top of the colony and fastened an equally huge sail consisting of what must be like every fragment of cloth that was inside the colony.

I'd better get myself ready to see quite a bit of skin...

After getting good within radio range, I spot a small island peeking out of the ocean and motion Ray to put me down there.

I'm pretty sure they've still got a lookout posted...and I if I get too close, they might get the funny idea to start shooting at us.

"Thank you so much, you guys...this wouldn't have been possible without you," I address the dogs with my most sincere gratitude.

"...but from here on out, I really need to do this myself. The people in there are dangerous and might start shooting if you come any closer. Besides, our supplies are completely used up as it after you're rested up, I want you to return to the mainland. You know which way to go, right?"

Ray grunts at me and nudges me with his warm and wet snout.

"Yeah, I know big guy...but I'm serious. You've brought me here, now it's time for me what I came here for. And I can't do that, if they are shooting at us. Don't worry about me...I'll follow. Who knows, I might even be back home before you."

Ray backs off, uttering a whimpering noise.

"Aww, don't be like that, you old softie. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself...remember, I even threw those big sea snakes off their game."

Ray barks once, but still does not take to the air.

"...oh wait, you're probably hungry, huh? Hmm...just let me take a quick dive and..." I say and turn around to go into the water, but feel a pull on my clothes.

I turn around and see Ray holding on to me with his teeth...hard to believe that he managed to only grab my clothes without even just scraping my skin.
The motor control of these guys is uncanny, to say the least.

"'re trying to tell me not to go, aren't you?"

A cheerful bark...apparently this time I got it right.
It seems the leviathan was right...language is but a crutch.
Communication is perfectly well possible without speaking a single word.

I gently caress Ray's snout and say, "I'll be fine, really. I fully intend to come back home...and then I'll finally get to be happy with Sirus. Now that I finally know, that he is not 'the last man on Tisis', I think I can stop pushing him away."

Ray backs off and sits down, his two comrades mimicking him.

"'re not going to go anywhere unless I'm coming too, huh? Fine. But don't you dare complain about being hungry and thirsty!"

I look against the floating block of black and order my implant to establish the connection.

After authenticating, I quickly browse through my assets...and stop to wonder.
I'm pretty sure, that more cameras were broken when I was connected the last time.
Did the humans repair them?

But...why? And how?
I mean, sure, we had the required spare parts, but I had thought, that the know-how was lost with the rest of the ship.

I guess the humans are even more resourceful than I had thought...but still, I cannot help but wonder about the 'why'.

I shake my head and discard the question for the time being.
I did not come all the way out here to peep on these people.
I came out here to bring them home.

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