Back to from whence we came (S)

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The coming day, we spend with rebuilding what we've lost, most notably a small stock of medicinal herbs, packs to transport the stuff and of course our weapons.

Fortunately, it is easier this time around...I guess it's true what they say: With practice comes perfection.
And after we actually took the time to sit down and do it properly, I dare say that the new stuff looks better than the old one ever did.

Unfortunately we also lost the maps Nym had been drawing, and while Nym had been trying her best to recreate them from memory, there's a whole lot of 'blank' where I remember there being marks like 'fresh water' or 'good hunting grounds' or 'edible plants'.

If not for our memories, it's almost like the past year didn't ever if we only crashed on Tisis just yesterday.

But I cannot dwell on the past like that.
I need to move forward.
And to do that, there is something I need to set straight first.

After about a week of wandering and filling the gaps in the map of the area, we finally arrive in the small forest, where we first met Zero.

I close my eyes and remember the vision he had shown me in his final moments to express his gratitude, strengthening my resolve to do this once more.

We spend the night in the cave, where we had first found shelter after coming to the planet, when Nym finally asks, "So...where exactly are we going anywhere? I mean, we've been here before. And the tools we left behind here we already rebuilt."

I let out a long sigh and think, 'That took longer than I thought it would...', before leaning towards the small campfire and reply, "Zero's home isn't too far from here...maybe a few hours towards the morning sun."
" wait, it's one of those prophet things, isn't it? That's how you know, right?"
I shake my head and reply, "No, it wasn't 'the voice' that told me. Zero did. In his final moments, he showed me where he came from...he got kicked out by what I assume is the Alpha of that pack...for being 'too weak'."

"...okay, fine, let's assume this to be true and not just a mere delusion, what are you planning to do once you're there? I mean...they expelled Zero, right? You want to...what, walk up to them and tell them Zero is dead?"

"...something like that. I...intend to teach this brute a lesson."

Nym looks at me intensively.
Actually, I expected her to blow up at fact, I am very surprised, that she's been this quiet about what I'm planning for this long.

She takes another sip out of the tea bottle she made for herself, places it on the ground, leans to the front and asks, "You are aware that this is sheer madness, correct?"
"I told you it was a bit dangerous."
"Sirus, going out to hunt is 'a bit dangerous'. You know what Zero grew into. And now you want to confront an entire pack of these creatures? Even pick a fight with them? Tell me Sirus...are you suicidal?"

I close my eyes.
I had prepared myself for anger.
Her calling me insane.

But she's perfectly calm and rational about the whole thing.
Which is, in its own way, even worse.

But she just doesn't understand...cannot understand.
I've seen the injustice...and I cannot let it stand.
Otherwise, the next 'Zero' is bound to happen...only this time, there will be no 'Sirus' to save him from certain death.

"...however, if you still insist on going, I will go with you."

Wait, what?

I look at Nym, who takes another sip from her tea.
Maybe we picked the wrong herbs and she's not thinking straight?
Many of them do look alike after all.

Ah, there we go.
"If, by whatever chance, we survive this, you pick one of the current litter and train him to follow in Zero's footsteps."
" replace Zero? What happened to 'they are wild animals' and all that stuff?"
"You have proven that you are somehow capable to interact with these animals. Talk with them even. Thus far, you've never exhibited this kind of connection with any other sort of animal, so I am assuming that it is exclusive to the species or, by whatever circumstance, to Zero only. Furthermore, Zero has been extraordinarily useful up to his untimely demise and if we wish to find the origin of the voice, we will require his aid. His wings, if nothing else. As such: Yes, I want you to replace Zero."

"And...if doesn't work out? If they don't...listen?"
"We'll likely die and end up as food for the litter."
"You seem...surprisingly calm about the prospect of dying."

Nym gives me a bored look and replies, "Borrowed time, Sirus. We've been living on borrowed time for over a year now. And quite personally, I'm sick of running. When I asked you to take charge, I had hoped that you would lead us to the origin of the voice. But you lead us here. To the doorstep of yet another disaster waiting to happen. Either way, I will not let you go in there by yourself...and hope that you will be a little less reckless, if you know, that it is not only your own life that's on the line."

I lean against the wall and let out a long sigh, "Man, I really don't know how to argue with you, when you're being like that. Honestly, you're not reacting anything like what I expected."
Nym gives me a weird smile and replies, "Maybe then you don't know me quite as well as you thought you did."
"...maybe not. Either way...thank you."
"...don't mention it. Besides, if we make it through this one, you'll owe me. Big time. It's always handy to have you owe me something."
"...oh? And what kind of 'favor' would you like in return then?"

Nym gives me a strange look, then shakes her head and replies, "L-let's focus on the task at hand. One thing at a time, okay?"

I try to figure out what she might be going on about, but find no reasonable explanation...not that it really matters all that much.

After all, it's Nym we're talking about.
If anything, she'd probably ask me to build her a new bathtub.

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