Our greatest weakness (N)

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Time passes ever so slowly, while my father explains the different subsystems of the ship to me, queries his subordinates for status reports and does just about anything to make his job look cool and exciting.

As if I was just a little kid that can be impressed by a lot of flashy lights and a spotless white uniform.

After about two hours of idle routine work, he stands up straight in front of the large main screen, asking me to stand next to him.

I assume a similar stance as he does, my hands crossed behind my back and look in the same direction, trying to figure out what it is he's looking at.

Eventually, he says, "Beautiful, isn't it?"

I look up from my own thoughts and ask, "I beg your pardon, captain?"

"The grand void. The nearly infinite number of stars and worlds. The miracles to be found there. Isn't it a breathtaking sight?"

I look at the countless dots whizzing past us, but fail to see these 'miracles' my father is speaking of.

Apparently, it shows, because my father sighs and sits back down in his chair.
"Surely you remember the questions I asked you earlier?"
"Yes, of course...though I fail to see the point of them, to be honest."
"Actually...I've only really asked you one question."
"One, Jor? But..."
"'Our greatest strength and our greatest weakness', was the real question. The questions I asked prior to that were merely meant to help you find the answer to this one. Want to think about it once more?"

I close my eyes and mull over the question.
Father clearly wants me to understand something.
Something, he considers as really important.
I recount the facts in my head.
What could he mean?
He asked me a number of questions I could not answer.
Because he had revoked my access to the ship systems.
Our greatest strength...and also our greatest weakness.

In the back of my mind, an answer begins to form.

Eventually, I open my eyes again and look my father straight into his face, "Our technology, father. Without it, we wouldn't...why we wouldn't be able to live outside of the oceans of Asmodeus without it. Left alone traverse the stars. Clearly, this is our greatest strength...and also our greatest weakness."

"How so, my dear?"

"Because we greatly depend on it. We cannot exist without it. If it were to cease working we...would likely perish. If not by the wrath of the vermin, then from the plagues they carry within themselves."

My father nods, apparently happy with my answer.

"That is correct, my dear Nympromedonalas. It is a lesson I have learned myself quite painfully only recently. Someone took our technology away and rendered all our defenses, all our weapons, our entire strength useless. We no longer were any match for the marauding forces of the humans."

I startle at my father's revelation and suddenly also understand, why he wanted me to commence my training as captain instead of serving as overseer.

He wanted to know me safe.

Surrounded by fellow Asmodei in the best-defended location aboard the entire ship.

I grab his arm and ask quietly, "Father, how...how great is the danger really? That something like this might happen again?"

My father shakes his head and replies, "I don't know, my dear. We have yet to find out, how they did it in the first place. But my gut tells me, that they are far from done. I fear that the tragedy of block X might actually just have been a test run. I dread the things they could do if we don't find the traitor quickly."

I clench my fist and ask, "But...isn't there anything we can do? Check the logs? The recordings?"

"All these things have long since brought underway. It will take some time though. Time, I fear, we do not have."

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