Farewell, Nympromedonalas Voxamy Lushomagans (S)

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When I come to, I don't know how much time has passed.

Groggily I open my eyes and look around...I seem to be lying on...a bed of some sort.
Just...a lot softer and more comfortable than the beds I am used to.
It feels...a lot like the bed I was confined to when I first came to the colony.

There's a...lot of white around me.
The sheets are white, the walls are white...even the woman coming in is wearing white.

Upon noticing that I am awake, she puts down the tray she is carrying and walks over to my side, sitting down on a small stool next to my bed.

"How are you feeling, Mr....Loctor?" she asks after consulting a sheet of paper she fetches from somewhere at the side of my bed.
"Where...am I? What...what happened?" I reply.

Every single word hurts...even just thinking hurts.
I just...want to go back to sleep...sleep and never wake up again.

Then the memory of what happened prior to me blanking out comes back, hazy and hard to grasp, but still kinda there.

"What...happened to...Rose?"
"I am sorry, I do not know what a 'Rose' is, Mr. Loctor," she replies while looking me over, checking my bandages around my red shoulder.

Did...was everything just a dream?
The ramblings of a beaten mind?

"You have been hurt quite badly, Mr. Loctor. And you have lost a lot of blood too. Quite honestly the doctors were not sure whether you would make it...yet here you are."

I spot the metallic glint of an implant at the side of this woman's head and ask, "That...that implant..."
She reaches up to the side of her head, as if she had forgotten that it was there and then replies with a gentle smile, "Ah yes...stupid thing suddenly stopped working one night...anyway, is there anyone I should tell that you're awake?"

Memories of Rose's threat flash past my mind and I try to get up, which gets immediately acquitted by a wave of pain washing over me.

The woman in white gently puts her hand on me and says quietly, "Please, Mr. Loctor...you are in no condition to get up again yet."
"Nym...Nympra...Nympromo...Nym..." I mutter, trying to get her name together, but failing spectacularly.

She's always just been 'Nym' to me...but I need to know...how much of what I remember is actually real and how much has just been a dream.

"The...the Asmodea. What...what happened to the Asmodea?"

For a moment I am puzzled by the expression that appears on the face of the woman and the fear that she's about to tell me that, that Nym did, indeed not survive.

Or, which would be even worse, that she never existed to begin with.

The thought that my entire adventure, all of Tisis has just been the fabrication of my hurt mind to help me weather my delirium crosses my mind, but I cannot bring myself to believe it.

I saw far too many fantastical things I didn't even know could exist.
I...I must believe that it was real.

"E...Eva. C-could you...inform Mistress Eva?" I croak, another wave of weariness crashing against my consciousness, trying to take it away with it.

The nurse nods and starts to walk towards the door.
Just before leaving she says, "Try to get a little more sleep. I will see to it that Mistress Eva is informed about your request."

As I drift towards the sweet oblivion of sleep once more, my heart takes a little leap...'Mistress Eva'. She wouldn't have known whom I was talking about, if all of Tisis had been just a dream.

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