Desperate struggle (N)

19 3 1

Alright Nym, start thinking.
Let's see, we have about 2 m³ worth of air left, give or take a little, depending on the level of compression we're talking about here...

We're two people, we're under stress, and I have no idea how far it might be to the surface.


I look around, trying to find things I can use.

There's of course the gun Sirus used to determine our least we didn't get turned upside down, so it's safe to assume, that the outside world is somewhere beyond the just about shattered windshield...but if I break it now, we might well get buried under the weight of however many tons of rubble are piled up on us.

We'd need some sort of drill...the energy cartridge in the gun might be good to power a machine, but we still lack a motor to convert this energy into the rotation a drill might require...

"Sirus, try to break off some of that jagged metal please. Oh and try not to cut yourself in the process," I instruct Sirus, hoping that I could at least convert it into some sort of shovel, automated or not.

But it's no good...Sirus can't get the metal off with his bare hands and Garkla knows he tried...and I specifically told him to not cut himself, sheesh..."

...the ship's a complete wreck too...

I remember the general layout of the shuttle we are in...the motor was lodged in the reinforced part near the back of the shuttle...which is also the place where, that is either up to two kilometers away or flat as a tin can.

Sirus picks up the gun and asks, "Can't this thing do anything?"
"Of course, it can keep us from suffocating," I reply, while browsing through the loose material scattered on the ground.
"Really? How?!"
"By accelerating a microscopic piece of metal to subsonic speeds and vaporizing whatever part of your body you point the output to."
"...ah...yeah, I guess it does keep us from suffocating..."
"Still, the result would be much the please be careful where you're pointing that thing."
"Can't we just...shoot our way out of here?"

I sigh and look up into Sirus' hopeful eyes and shake my head.

"You do remember that when I shoot something with my arrow, how the arrow gets stuck in whatever it is?"
"Well yes, but you just said this thing accelerates whatever to..."
"Yes, but the fact of the matter is, that this is a very...very massive target. If we're lucky, the shot makes it through the windshield and gets stuck in the ground beyond...but of course it could also ricochet and kill one of us by accident."

Sirus makes a sorry face and puts the gun back down carefully.
I...probably should tell him, that the safety has been on the entire time.

He then goes back to yanking on the jagged metal sticking out from the back of the shuttle with his bloody hands, but to no avail.

He wipes off his sweat, leaving a smear of blood straight across his forehead and asks, "Say, can't you...I don't know, reconfigure this thing to become something we can cut that metal stuff off with?"
"You mean a weld? Well, it might be possible...if I had a degree in engineering, sufficient time and the proper tools...needless to say, we have none of these things. But keep thinking..."

At least that way you don't think about how we're most likely going to die a miserable and horrible death in here...

I try to once again get the shuttle to react, but it's completely dead.
Not a single spark of power seems to be left within this metal coffin.

After about an hour of looking and trying various things, I plop back down into my seat.

My head is feeling dizzy...I guess the oxygen concentration is slowly reaching the critical point...Sirus also appears more sluggish and clumsy.

I stare at the windshield in front of us, shaking my head.
There is nothing in here to help us...we're done for.

At long last...we are going to die...but at least...we're going to die trying.

I raise the gun, disable the safety...and pull the trigger.

In a flash the already badly battered windshield shatters into a thousand pieces, a rain of transparent shards hailing down on us.

The ground ahead does not budge, the shot does not ricochet and there is a microscopically large hole burrowing into the ground...go figure, I can't even kill myself right...

"W-what...what just..." Sirus stammers, having difficulties steadying his feet and holding on to the chair in order to not fall.

"I...figured if there are no reasonable...alternatives...I'd unreasonable one..." I respond, pressed hard to even get the words out right between two lazy breaths.

Sirus picks up his spear and pushes it into the ground beneath the windshield, deliberately pushing pieces of earth and dirt on me.

"Yeah right...go ahead and bury me alive..." I complain.
"I...I'm digging...s-succeed or die trying, right?"

I force myself to my feet, grab one of my arrows and try to help him, but it's no good...I have no leverage whatsoever and my arms are far too weak.

I...should've listened to Sirus an hour ago, when we still had time left...
'I's true what they say...' I think as my consciousness continues to slip away from me, '...hindsight is 20/20...'

"Hey, no falling asleep here, Nym!" I hear Sirus yell weakly.
I...think...I feel his...touch...strong...warm... very...very tired...
I...feel...something warm...and nice...just...a...a little nap...just...a little nap and...I'll be right

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