Prophet (N)

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Sirus tries to explain to me what had just transpired, however it is obvious that he is just as rattled by the recent events as I am, if not, even more so.

Whilst I do not doubt that he has flown on the back of the humongous creature the tiny canine has turned into, there are other aspects I cannot believe so easily.

The most notable of these, if only due to the sheer insanity of the very fact itself, is his claim that Zero has grown capable of speaking by the means of his metamorphosis.

What casts even more doubt on this claim is the simple fact, that I have yet to hear Zero utter but a single word.

But then again, this isn't the first time, that Sirus has demonstrated abilities and knowledge I never knew him capable of, is it?

I think back to when we first found the cocoon and Sirus knew, without even the shadow of a doubt, that Zero was resting within.
He also recognized him from the get go, although I attributed this to the fact, that he had known the canine far better than I ever did.

I remember watching them hunt and, more than just once, Zero acted as if he was an extension of Sirus' will...I had attributed it to both of them being of simple minds, however what if I was mistaken?

What, it couldn't possibly be.

"Nym? Are you okay? You're spacing out again."

I blink a few times and finally respond, "Yes, yes, I am fine...however I must ask does Zero's...voice sound?"
"You don't believe me, huh? I don't blame you, I thought I was only imagining it myself at first...but this guy's a real chatterbox!"

More barks and Sirus acting as if he derived a message from them.
If I didn't know better, I would think Zero to laugh at me for not hearing it.

"No, seriously. What does it sound...or much rather 'feel' like?"
"...'feel' like?"
"Yes, does it feel the same as when I am talking with you, or does it feel...different? Like...a voice that echoes in your mind?"

Sirus' eyes grow wide and he stutters, "H-how do you know that?! I thought you cannot..."
I bury my face in the palm of my hand and mutter, "Oh Garkla, why must you try me so..."
"...Nym? What...what are you talking about?"
"...let's return to our resting place. And please, do something about your wardrobe already, it's still too cold to walk about half naked. I would hate it, if you fell ill now."

I turn, pick up my equipment and march over towards the plateau.
It cannot be.
Yet it has to.
There is no other explanation.

After a while, Sirus walks up the small slope to the plateau, but I am quick to reprimand him, "Sirus, please, leave Zero behind."
"What?! Why?! He was always..."
"That was before he was the size of a Trogoride!" I snap at him.
"O...kay, I have no idea what that is...but I guess you're right. The plateau would be cramped with all of us up there. Sorry boy, but I need you to stay here."

Zero whimpers and Sirus responds, "Of course I still like you, silly. It's just...look at how big you've become. I just don't want you to knock over the shelves by accident, like that one time where we played and you slid into them, remember?"

A cheerful bark.
"Glad you understand. Play a little with Sera, 'kay?"
Another cheerful bark and off he goes.
Nope, not a single way how this could go horribly wrong.

I take a deep breath and look straight at Sirus, who now sits down in front of me.
"So...sounded like you had an idea about what's going on with me."
"Yes, well...I believe you might be a prophet."
"A...what now? What is that?"

Figures. I guess they only taught him the basics of whatever idea of religion they had...and it's not like he ever had any reason to question where those ideas came from.

I sigh and explain, "A 'prophet' is a person, whom Gar...pardon, a God talks to. Among my people, the 'prophets' were the highest ranking priests, who brought before us the will of Garkla. Their words guided our entire society. They are rare, however if I remember correctly, any Asmodean could be born a prophet to Garkla, regardless of heritage or upbringing. On the contrary, most of the important prophets came from the lower classes, which is Garkla's reminder to not dismiss our lesser people."

" think I'm...a 'prophet'?"
"It is the only rational explanation I've got...the way you know things you cannot know or the things you do that you cannot do...and now, at the end of quite a remarkable list of such feats, you have also begun to hear Zero's a way, which is similar to what prophets across the ages have testified to."
"'re sure that there isn't...a better explanation?"
"If you had a brain implant like I do, it would be simple, because they allow us to communicate telepathically, however you do not. And I have never heard of any sort of species to develop such a trait during one lifetime."

Sirus blinks a few times and then asks, "So...does that make Zero a God?"
"What?! What in Garkla's name gave you that idea?!"
"Well, you just said a prophet is one who hears the voice of God, so when I hear Zero's voice, he must be a God, right?"
"Nonsense, Zero is a savage animal and nothing more!"

I stop my swirling thoughts and scratch my head.
Sirus is right though.
That vision of what he had seen...his extrasensory was always directly linked to Zero.

I look over to the two animals playing...well, Zero is playing, though I'm not entirely sure that Sera knows that...

Could it really be?
Could...wait...of course, a spirit animal! How could I forget about those?!

I tell Sirus my thoughts, but as I figured, he has know idea what I'm talking about.

"A spirit animal, also known as 'familiar', is a special animal, which is sent by Ga...pardon, 'a God' to accompany, guide and protect those blessed by that God. They are emissaries, who are supposed to help the foolish find their path towards whatever that God has planned for them."

Sirus looks at me, then over to Zero, who just pounced Sera and got a kick to his snout as a result and then back to me before he says, "Well...sounds at least better than this whole 'prophet' business."

"Still...for you to have a spirit animal...that must mean, that a God resides on this world...and that they must have taken a liking to you."
"What makes you think that?"
"For one, because you should be dead like ten times over by now. We both should be. Anyway, listen Sirus, I know it's been a while, but if you get any strange dreams, I want you to tell me all about them. If I'm right, the resident God has talked to you before and I find it reasonable to believe that it will talk to you again. It would be prudent to not go against its wishes, so whatever strange dreams may haunt you at night, I want to know about them."

Suddenly Sirus laughs and waves off, "Sure thing, though I really don't think you want to know what happens in those dreams of mine."
"The prophetic dreams of course, you dumbass!"

Suddenly Sirus gets up and says, "Well then...prophet or not, we still need to go and fetch food. And I'm just betting, that Zero can't wait to stretch his wings some more. Better he sinks his teeth into some prey then Sera, right?"

"Yes, I would appreciate it if he did not eat my Zol..."
I roll my eyes, think for a moment and then try again, "Horse."

I watch Sirus walk down the slope, towards the canine, who eagerly greets him as if Sirus had been gone for hours.

So now I'm living with a prophet...I guess this world isn't quite as god forsaken as I thought it to be...though whether this god is benevolent like Garkla or malicious like Ede remains to be seen.

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