Counterstrike (S)

16 3 1

This is a bad idea...a really bad idea.
No, it's not just a bad idea, it's completely nuts.

I have no idea where Rose is keeping Nym or how long Nym can keep her busy or how I could possibly stop her.

If she was an animal, I'd go for the throat or the head, but...

I stop briefly, huffing heavily and look at where Nym had been working.
Why did Rose have her repair that anyway?
Why didn't she repair it herself?

There's only one reason for that...she couldn't.
Maybe I can't go for the throat or the head, but or the time being, cutting off the limbs should help me out in the long run!

I grab the various wires Nym had carefully connected to bridge the large gap in the electronics and yank them out with all my might.

The lights flicker briefly, but other than that, nothing seems to change.
Not that I actually expected everything to be all good, just because I pulled out some stuff, but I have to believe, that Rose at least felt that one.

I proceed down the halls, systematically undoing Nym's work of the past weeks, wherever I come across them, but Rose does not stir.

When I come to a crossroads, one of the creatures from before suddenly stands before me.
It obviously got hurt in the struggle I involved them in, blood still dripping to the ground from its maw.

"Ah great...the survivor. Look buddy, just let me through here and we can both get out of here without any more bloodshed. Hmm? How about it?"

The creature hunkers down, preparing for a lunge, baring it's teeth at me.
I sigh, assume a defensive stance and mutter, "Of course not...ah well, it was worth a shot."

The creature lunges at me, but its movement is sluggish and I have no trouble whatsoever evading the attack, wrap my arm around it's throat, grab the maw, throw my leg over its back to fasten my stand and then begin twisting it until an audible cracking notifies me of it's broken neck, finally putting it out of its misery.

The creature falls limp beneath my legs and after making absolutely sure that it is really dead, I finally let go.

I shake my head at the pointless death and then continue to speed down the crossroad, steering away from the trail of blood the creature had left.
There is nothing but death to be found there, after all.

The thought of trying to fetch my spear and armor crosses my mind, but I decide against it.
I don't know much about this 'overloading generator' the voice is constantly warning me about, but the last time I was surrounded by flashing lights and an announcement I did not understand, my home was blown to pieces shortly after.

I can only assume that this 'generator overloading' will have a very similar effect...which means, that I'm running out of time.

Another place where Nym had been working, another handful wires tossed to the ground.

"Nym, where are you?!" I yell over the noise of the announcement, but get no response.

"God...I don't know if you're still there...or if you ever were...but I could sure use some divine intervention from your side right now..." I mutter.

All of a sudden, when I want to turn left, the bulkhead I just wanted to pass comes rushing down, along with countless others in the distance, but neither ahead of me or behind me.

Either that, or I'm royally screwed.

The umpteenth repeat of the announcement brushes my worry, that it might have been Rose cutting off my path to keep me away from Nym.
I'm just about certainly screwed.

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