Information network (N)

11 3 1

The next day, I come to visit the colony again.
However this time, I don't come in the hopes of Sirus or a welcome party already waiting for me was a foolish hope to think that I would be accepted inside as easily, just because I promised them something I'm not even sure I can keep...certainly their leadership is not as gullible as the expendable goons they placed outside to watch me.

Heh...they probably think that I am some sort of monster, who's just waiting for a chance to unleash destruction upon them.
But there's very little I can do about that...because whatever I could say or do, they could easily assume it to be a ruse of 'the monster', who wants its chance.

I remember, how we got taught to be cautious if humans acted suspiciously friendly towards us, because that usually meant that the wanted to achieve something detrimental to the order of the block or even our health.

...if only I could somehow convince them, how similar we really are to each other...

I shake my head, plop myself down in the sand, take off my shoes and let the incoming waves wash around my bare legs.

How strange it is's been days since any predator has tried to attack me and even that was a half-hearted attempt at best.

I guess, with 'the voice' being gone, they just aren't as ferocious as they used to be...either that, or our reputation as dragon slayers has preceded us.

I shake my head and just enjoy the warmth from above and the coolness from below, while reaching out for Judy within the colony.

After a worryingly long time, she finally accepts the call and the link is established.

"Mistress Lusho..."
"Nym," I interrupt her mid-sentence with a faint frown on my face.
After all, I want a friend, not a subordinate or a slave.
"M-my apologies. I am not used to..."
"It's fine, really. Actually I was a bit worried that you might not answer my call...did something happen?"
"Ah! Err, no, it's just...I've been...kinda busy with something else."
"Something, huh? Well, I guess you've got less spare time in there than I do out here...there's literally nothing to do all day, but maybe worry about where to get some food before you starve. But I've got that one covered pretty that I don't have to feed Sirus as well."

I take a deep breath and then ask, "Say, Judy...I know that this is a lot to ask, but may I borrow your senses for a little?"
"My...I am afraid I am unfamiliar with this procedure. Does this mean, that you wish to take over my body?"
"...whoever is telling you such stories about my people should stop, honestly. Seriously though, I just would like to ask you a few know, so I can get an idea about what's going on inside."
"I...I'm not sure if that's okay, Mis...Nym. My boss..."
"Right, of course...I really don't want to get you into trouble or's just that..."

Just that what?
That I am into the stupid idiot who just left me behind out here and is probably fooling around to his hearts content with some other girl who can actually satisfy him.

I shake my head.
What's wrong with me...getting all jealous like that is unlike me.

"Miss...Nym? Are you okay? Are you still there? I mean, it says the connection is still open, but..."
"Yeah, I'm fine Judy...just got distracted by a silly thought, that's all. Listen, I came to this world together with someone else...a good friend of mine."
"Also an Asmodean like yourself?"
"No, human actually. When we got here, they took him inside and left me out here...and quite honestly, I worry a little about him. His name is Sirus."
"Wait a second please."

I get notified, that my call is being put on hold, while Judy calls someone else.

After a short pause, she asks, "Sirus Loctor, right?"
"Yes, that's him. How did you..."
"One moment please, I'll add someone else to the call...there we go. Gloria, are you there?"
"Yeah, I'm here," another female voice echoes in my mind.

A conference call, huh?
I must admit, their mastery of the communication system is better than I had thought...but then again, they probably talked among each other all the time while things were still...well, not right, but at least better.

"May I introduce you to Nympromenodalas Lushomagans?"
"Lushomagans? Like...Captain Lushomagans?!"
"Yeah, I'm his daughter, go ahead and sue me...anyway, Judy...I'm afraid I don't follow. Why did you add Miss...Gloria, was it?"
"Ah yes, of course. You see, you said that this Sirus of yours came in recently, yes?"
"Yeah...he went in two or three days ago now..."
"That means, he had to go through see if he brought anything in, that could be dangerous for the colony."
"...that figures, really. Though I'm not so sure they even know what to look for...unless of many people of block M made it? They should have at least some knowledge about microorganisms."
"Block M? You mean where the injured were taken?"
"Yes, exactly. I happen to know that they employed humans to aid in the treatments of other humans."
"Hmm...I don't think I know one...what about you Gloria?"
"Nope, afraid not...anyway, about this Sirus of yours...I was his attendant during his cleanup, tasked by Master Nemo himself...or at least I was supposed to be."
"Supposed to be? What do you mean? And...what do you mean by 'attendant'?!"

Again this pang of jealousy flaring up in my heart, but I gulp it down quickly.
These girls are just following orders from the looks of it...and who's to blame them?
After all, that's precisely what we taught them to obey without asking questions.

"Yes well...when I was preparing myself to service him, he told me to leave him alone."
"...did he tell you 'why'?"
"...he said, that he liked someone else already."

My heart leaps at the last sentence, but a depressing thought follows up suit.

...maybe he only said that, to get her off his back.
To be considerate...or maybe...maybe he wasn't talking about me at all.

I mean, he made it quite clear that he is not interested in me.
...what if he met someone from his past in there?
Someone he liked before he even knew me?

My heart sinks deep and the voices of the two girls get drowned out by the noise of the blood rushing through my head.

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