Preparing for changes (N)

19 4 1

The days pass quickly and before long, autumn has come with its characteristic changes.

The wind has picked up significantly, the leaves on the trees have started changing their colors before falling down and the animals have started to prepare for winter.

As should we, otherwise we won't make it.
I've queried my internal database for any information about how to prepare meat to keep it from spoiling, however I come up with little to nothing we weren't already doing.

We simply don't have any tools or materials to use any of the techniques I learned about during my survival classes. Not like there ever was a whole lot on the topic of meat to begin with.

Sure, there's smoking meat, but I don't think that by itself will last Sirus through winter...what worries me more however, is the decline in plant life.
Sirus might still be able to catch something to eat in winter, but all the plants I could eat will be sleeping beneath the ground.

We have started to storage everything we don't immediately need to survive, but I fear that it might not suffice to get get me through the cold months.

I haven't told Sirus yet, because I don't want to worry him needlessly, but our situation has never looked more grim.
He had no survival training whatsoever and I only had some very basic training, which mostly included instructions on how to operate the emergency beacon and how to hold out for help.

I go over my checklist for the upcoming winter.

We've got shelter...that's a very good start.
If the weather gets too cold, we should still be able to retreat into the hot cavern we're using as a bath.

A memory surfaces as I think of the bath, but I quickly push it aside.
I can't allow myself to be distracted right now.
I need to focus.

Water...water shouldn't be a big issue either.
Sure, our spring could freeze over, but I want to believe that the magma that's heating our cavern will keep the water flowing as well.

Which brings me back to our primary
Sirus has been harvesting a lot of plants we found to be edible, but the winter could be long and harsh and fresh food will be scarce.
And we don't have anyone to support us if anything were to happen to our stash.

I read about a number of animals, who scatter their stashes all over the place, so nothing can get them all at once.
But the downside of that is, that it's impossible to protect all locations simultaneously.
Plus, you need to actually remember or record where all of them are, which can be a daunting task if you actually want to hide them, because you can't really use any easy to remember locations.

But then again, it's not like any of the animals has the smarts to realize that food is buried near a landmark...or do they?

I look over to Sera, who is still grazing on the fresh grass, apparently not having a single worry in the world.
Ah, the blessing of a simple mind, honestly.

There is another change, I will need to decide what to do about soon however...Sirus.

I've been catching him looking at me strangely every now and then.
I don't think he's aware that I know, but he's clearly fighting his instincts in my presence.

I guess it was just a matter of time, until he got from 'Ensuring the survival of his tribe' to 'Reproduction'.
To not make it any worse, I made it a habit to not bend over needlessly when he's around and to cover myself up the best I can, but I'm literally the last humanoid female on this world, so I guess that had to happen sooner or later.
I need to set this straight, otherwise it might well be the end of us.
I must give him credit for never bringing it up thus far...but like this, he'll end up distracted when I need him the most.

The unwelcome memory from earlier surfaces again and I forcefully push it down again.
I, cannot, let, myself, be, distracted!

I return to my checklist and the things we have yet to do in order to make it through winter.

"Hey, Nym!" I hear Sirus shout out, ripping me from my thoughts.
He's running towards me from over the meadow, slightly startling Sera, who takes a few irritated steps, but quickly goes back to grazing.

I kneel down, pull the shoulder piece of my coat back up, making a mental note to fix that bloody thing asap and ask, "Yeah, what is it?"

"Something's weird with Zero's cocoon! I...I can't feel him any more!"
So it's finally happened...took a lot longer than I thought it would.

I walk with him to Zero's resting place, practicing the 'I'm sorry for your loss'-speech I prepared for this case in my mind, however what I find there surprises me nonetheless.

I haven't been to the cocoon in weeks and while Sirus had been telling me that it was growing, I never imagined to become this large.

It's now easily half the height of Sirus and about the length of Sera!
Whatever is in there right now must be frigging huge!

Sirus puts his hand on the surface and closes his eyes, but after about two seconds, he pulls it back, tears in his eyes.

His hand leaves a faint print on the surface, which quickly vanishes.

"I...I always somehow felt that he was in there, Nym. But there's suddenly...nothing any more."
" structural damages. The color is also much the same. still warm to the touch. Sirus, while I am not an expert on this kind of matter, I believe that the creature within is not dead."
"...but...but why can't I feel him any more then?"
"Listen...I've been doing some thinking, Sirus. It makes no sense whatsoever, but ever since landing here, you've exhibited...symptoms."
" mean I am sick?"
"No, not necessarily. I think you might be gifted."
"...okay, you lost me."

"It is called 'telepathy'. Many species develop that trait during their evolution, if they manage to survive long enough. However both of our species have yet to reach that milestone. Which is why we use machines to do the non-verbal communication for us. Now, if I remember correctly, the records about your people stated, that a few individuals, most notably those with a strong bond with each other, were somehow able to sense if something befell the other, which is a very preliminary form of 'telepathy'. If you had this gift, it would also explain, how you were able to 'feel' him in here and this crazy synchronization you kept pulling off during the hunt. The things you knew, even though you couldn't have known them, the things you did even though you never learned all hints towards you somehow being able to tap into a pool of knowledge that is not your own. Much like I did back on the ship when interfacing with the computer...just without implants."

"And...why can't I feel him any more?"
"Now, this is strictly hypothetical, but I think it might be because he has fallen into a very deep slumber, where he cannot talk to you any more."
"But...but why now?"
"I can only guess, but winter is coming. He might well be preparing for hibernation...and communication takes energy which he needs now. You'll see, once spring comes around, so will he...hey, maybe he'll even crack that shell open by then. Spring is a good time to hatch."

Sirus looks at the cocoon for multiple seconds and then asks, "Are you sure?"
I reply truthfully, "No, I am not. But you were able to feel him for months now. Watched over him. Protected him. Why in the world would he just die now, all of a sudden? Give him some time..."

My mind jumps back to my checklist and its most pressing point.
"And now come. There's something rather important I need to discuss with you."
"Ah yeah, about that silo, I'll..."
"The silo can wait, Sirus."

I bite my tongue, as the words 'I cannot' want to make their way out.
Like it or not, until this issue is taken care of, it will distract me.

And I cannot allow myself to be distracted.
Our survival depends on it.

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