Remnants (S)

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A month has passed, since we moved in with the dogs...and things have gotten even more weird than they had already been.

At this point, I'm somewhat positive that Nym is for some reason scared to be alone with Julia.

I did try asking her about it, but all I got were evasive 'sort of'-answers, which made no sense to me.

Though I guess I can see why...that girls creeps me out as well.

In one moment, she's awfully friendly and looks just about ready to jump my bones, the next moment she just walks off, frustrated and angry at something.

But just like with Nym, I don't get any useful answers out of her either.

In all honesty I often find myself relieved when she leaves to go looking for the colony...although, after one month of fruitless searching, it has become rather apparent, that we are not going to find it ever again.

Nym probably was right from the get go...even if the blast itself did not destroy it right away, it likely sank to the bottom of the ocean.

On the upside, and thanks to frequent trips to miracle lake, my arm has recovered nicely enough and it now is just about as good as new.

I've started with a bit of a fitness program to get myself back into shape and ready for action.

Ray and some of the other dogs are more than happy to help me out with that, although always under the watchful eye of the great mother, who immediately steps in, if one of the dogs is about to go too far.


Three days later, in the morning, Nym and I hear Julia scream out and immediately start running, but something is strange.

That is not the kind of scream of someone who is terrified, in pain or distress.

Much rather, it sounds a lot like...

I stop Nym mid-run and shout, "Julia, you okay over there?!"
"What are you doing?!" Nym scolds me, urging to go again.

"Y-yes, I...I'm f...fine!" Julia's answer comes back between heavy breaths.
"Clearly she is not! C'mon, Sirus!" Nym complains, but I shake my head and explain, "Nym, I...I don't think you want to go there right now."
"Our friend is in danger! And..."
"She is not in danger. She's having sex."
"She's...she is what?! But...but with whom?!"
"Herself, I guess?" I suggest, pushing the other option to the back of my mind.

I hope she's just masturbating...cause I really don't need the alternative on my mind.

Another scream, albeit a bit more muffled.

"Yeah, sounds about right...know what, Nym? I...think I'd really like to examine that fallen wreck right about now."
"The...but you forbade me to go there, remember?!"
"No, I did not. I told you that I go with you, when you go. My arm's good again, so let's just grab Ray and Billy...unless you do want to stay here and listen to...whatever Julia is doing?"

Disgust flickers in Nym's eyes and she quickly says, " And you're right, we need to examine that wreck...just let me go get our gear."
"I'll get the dogs," I reply, as we split into different directions, but both away from the 'mating cavern' Julia's screams seem to be coming from.

About ten minutes later we're in the air, heading out towards the desert.

It feels good to have the wind tear at my clothes again and it is a perfect day for a flight as well.

The sky is spotted with white and fluffy clouds, blotting out the sun every now and then, the wind is warm and blows into our backs, allowing us to make good way.

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