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In the beginning of time, two deities were born, called 'Garkla' and 'Ede'.

They were born into a paradisiacal world by the name of Asmotisis, where they worked together for many generations, to manage and further the life entrusted to them by their father.

At some point however, things went sour.

Ede was not content with constantly being a mere servant to his father.

Furthermore he was envious of his brother, who was given all the tasks that would earn him awe and worship by the creatures of the world, whereas he was only tasked with doing away with creations that were no longer needed.

He secretly built an army of foul creatures, whose purpose was to seize and destroy the source of the godly power his father and his brother wielded.

And during their most sacred holiday, where all living creatures cherished and worshiped their trinity of Gods, Ede struck, releasing his hounds of war on the unsuspecting world.

In their wake, they conquered the sanctum of their father and razed it to the ground, severing the link between the father and the world.

The creatures of the world rallied to fight back against the horde under Ede's command and after generations of seemingly never ending war and strife, the forces of Garkla dealt a decisive blow to Ede's forces and conquered the unholy sanctum of Ede, where he had given birth to all the foul creatures that had plagued the land. And just for a moment, Asmotisis rejoiced.

However the damage to the land was immense.

Once fertile valleys had been scorched, once bountiful forests had withered, once pristine oceans had been tarnished by the blood of the earth itself and once clear skies had been clouded by the flames of war.

The once beautiful world had been ruined.

Even worse however was, that Ede, knowing of his imminent defeat, fled into the depths of space, taking his source of power with him and leaving the world he had ruined to die.

He traveled untold distances and eventually landed on a yet young and untainted planet and named it 'Tisis' - The seed of destruction.

From there he would recover his strength and rebuild his he would, one day, find Garkla again...and end him for good.

Garkla, knowing of his own waning powers, sensed that his brother was still out there and still sought to destroy him.

However the world they had fought over for so long was damaged almost irreversibly and it would take many generations and a continuous effort to undo even just a fraction of the damage Ede's revolt had done.

Time, Garkla knew he did not have, for with each passing day, Ede would grow stronger and inevitably become too powerful for Garkla to handle, if he decided to expend his powers on restoring his home.

Thus he entrusted the world to his children, the creatures of the world who so valiantly had fought to protect their home and then left as well, seeking a new world, where he too could recover from the wounds of war and build a force capable of withstanding Ede's hatred.

He found an ocean world, teeming with life, yet brutal and savage, where each day could well be your last.

Using much of his remaining power, he planted 'Asmos', the seed of creation, which elevated the most noble and intelligent creatures of the sea into a higher kind of being, giving birth to the Asmodei - the fruits of creation.

As they matured, he revealed many a secret to them, eventually also warning them of the havoc the Tisidei, the children of Ede, would bring.

From this day forward, the Asmodei peered towards the sky, wary of the destruction the grand void might bring them, so they might be prepared.

However, after many generations had come and gone, the Asmodei finally found Tisis - the world, Ede had fled to.

And much to their surprise, the Tisidei - or 'humans' as they called themselves - sought to escape from their destiny as fruits of destruction.

But it was already far too late. They were already too far gone.

The planet that had nourished them for so long had been ravaged and robbed of almost all of its resources and died a slow and painful death.

Unable to escape their nature of Greed, the Tisidei turned on each other for a final time, unleashing their terrors of war and the once blue planet was clouded in the flames of the nuclear hellfire the Tisidei had crafted from the bowels of the world that had given birth to them.

Ede's plan to create the ultimate tools of destruction had worked.

Only it had worked too well.

The Tisidei were no longer a threat, for they had destroyed themselves.

Yet, the Asmodei could not find it in their hearts to leave them to die, so they set out to save them.

To show them another way.

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