First Steps (N)

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The vermin holds out his hand to me, clearly expecting me to do something with appears to be some sort of gesture, but I can't place it.
I've watched them perform a lot of gestures involving their hands, but this particular one I cannot seem to remember.
It almost looks as if he wants to help me up, but I haven't fallen.

Eventually, he withdraws his hand, seemingly disappointed.
I may have to brush up my knowledge on their customs if possible.

But that is not important right now.
I now need to remember my training regarding emergencies like this.
Let's see...usually, I would activate the stasis function of the pod while waiting to be rescued, however the pod is in no condition to do that any more.
Plus, it would leave me utterly defenseless, in case a local predator decides to check out the crash site after all...and then there's the issue of the vermin too.
I dread the thought of what he might do if I entered stasis...assuming the pod is even still capable of performing that function, that is.

I close my eyes and try to think, when a clearly audible rumbling comes from the direction of the vermin, breaking my concentration.
He looks down at himself with a bit of a guilty expression on his face.

Of course...his food rations would have been due for multiple hours now, his body is telling him that it requires sustenance.

While I'm still contemplating that, my own stomach informs me, that it would like something to eat as well, albeit not quite as audibly.

This settles it.
I head back to the capsule, open one of the stashes and throw one of the emergency rations over to the vermin while taking one for myself.

I show him how to open it and how to consume it.
Even though he starts later, he appears to be long done by the time I am finished.
A grimace is on his face, but he appears to be trying hard to smile thankfully.
I sigh as his stomach grumbles in protest.
Naturally this kind of food is not for the likes of him, but it'll have to do.

I check the inventory, but quickly shake my head.
The pod wasn't equipped to feed two people for an extended period of time.
It was equipped to put one person into stasis, not for a planetary expedition.

"Very well...we won't last very long if we stay here. We require food, water and shelter and the pod cannot supply us with any of them. We shall head into the forest over there and seek out edible plant. Maybe you can also catch a small animal to serve as protein source for you."

I get out of the capsule and walk over to the stun gun the vermin had tried to 'hide' from me. I sure hope he's better at hunting than he is at hiding stuff, otherwise we'll be screwed really quick.

I put it back into its holster and address the vermin, "Shall we?"
But the vermin doesn't move.

Upon noticing, I rub my temples and sigh.
"Do I need to rephrase my orders?"

The vermin crosses his arms before his chest and says, "Yes, try adding a 'please' and maybe a 'thank you'. Cause I think we really need to lay down some ground rules if we want to get along."

"I fail to see, which of the things you have done is 'thankworthy'."
"Oh yeah? How about for not strangling you while you were unconscious? How about finding that syringe thingy when you were hurting? How about for not just leaving you here to die on your own?!"

...the nerve! Can't he see that he is completely lost without me?!

"And before you get off on thinking that I need you or anything, I know how to work a garden! How to tell an edible plant from a poisonous one! How to grow more of a plant! I know how to work. And what do you know? You know how to point at stuff and give it names! Incredibly useful, really, princess!"

My gut clenches at the mention of the word 'princess' and suddenly my mind is taken back to the day before all went to Ede.

One of them had called me 'princess' as well, didn't they?
I had assumed, that to them, we must seem like royalty, considering how much better we are than them...but the venom in the vermin's voice just now...this was not meant as a compliment. Not this time...and not that time either, probably.

He does not acknowledge me as his superior...and if I'm not careful, he may well decide to test his physical strength against mine.
A match, as I sadly have to admit to myself, I cannot win.

Plus, as much as it pains me, he is right.
I need him far more than he needs me...alright can you procure his favor, at least until he has built me a sufficient base of operation?

Eventually I shake my head.
There is no textbook procedure for any of this...I am completely on my own with this situation and the only assets I have left are the stun gun...and him. I cannot risk losing either.

I sigh and begrudgingly utter, "Right...I guess I do owe you thanks...of course none of this would have happened..."
"Shut it right there, woman! Let's...just leave it at that. Okay?"
I bite my tongue and curse myself.
I must be more careful with the things I say.

Of course I had to end up with one of the emotional ones.

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