Miracle of the lake (S)

18 4 1

It's warm.
And there is light. There is clearly light beyond my eyelids.

The old told me of a light leading you towards the great beyond...so I guess that's it, huh?
Who would've thought I'd go that way.

When I was young, I was sure to die while working the gardens.
When I grew older, I was sure that the Asmodei would be the end of me.
And when I came to Tisis, I was sure that it would be one of those savage critters who would finally send me to my ancestors.

But no, I had to be stupid and go into the water.

What a way to go...I wonder if I'll see my mom again on the other side.
Or Eva...I wonder what she's going to say.
Would she even recognize me?

No...that's the wrong question...would I even go to the same place as her?
For all I know, I'm going straight to hell for the things I did...and I'm not even talking about the killing I did here in order to survive.


I can hear them calling for me already, huh?
But who is it? Who would welcome me to...


'Woof'? Wait...

"Sirus, wake up you damn fool!"

Is that...Nym's voice? Wait, but Nym's not dead, right?
She didn't croak along with me...right?
But...if I can hear her calling me and she's not dead...does that mean I'm...not dead either?

I force my eyes open and look into the face of my companion and a splitting headache blurs my vision straight ahead.
All I can tell is that there's a lot more purple to be seen than there should be.

"Oh Garkla be praised...I already feared the worst. Don't you ever do something so foolish ever again, got it?! You could have drowned!"

I slowly sit up again and look Nym up and down before I ask groggily, "Why...are you naked?"

Next I know, Nym plants her fist firmly in my face, knocking me back down violently.
I don't really feel the punch, but it must have been something like that, cause I feel a heavy hit on the back of my head, as it hits the ground.

The next time I come to, Nym is behind me, examining my head, murmuring something incomprehensible.

"What...are you doing?"
"Checking the damage I caused...but this isn't right..."
"What are you...oww..."
"Fascinating...hold on, wasn't there...hey, give me your arm."
"Yeah, the one where that critter bit you last week. With the nasty...impossible..."

"What are you even going..." I start and stare at my arm with the scar.
Or at least where the scar should have been, but it's gone.
How is that even possible?

"Fascinating...most fascinating...oh, the eggheads from the labs would kill to examine this..."
"What...is...going...on?!" I ask on the brink of a nervous breakdown, still not sure whether I'm awake or delirious.

Nym unleashed a bunch of mumbo jumbo about microscopic organisms apparently building colonies, but I don't really understand half of the words she's saying.

It takes quite a while until I actually feel ready to move again, but at least it doesn't look like night is going to fall again soon.

We keep moving around the lake, but despite the honest to goodness miracle we have just witnessed, once night falls, there is still a sense of sadness between the two of us.

For despite having found miraculous water that seems to be capable of healing wounds, we still haven't found any traces of intelligent life or other survivors.

Nym tells me that a planet is huge and that we haven't even seen one percent of the whole thing and that we could probably walk straight past each other without ever being any the wiser and that we must not give up hope.

But honestly?
I know she's trying to build me up, but it's just not helping.

On the contrary...I think we need to honestly entertain the idea, that we might well be the only people on this god forsaken hellhole.

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