Introductions (S)

42 4 1

I sigh at the most recent exchange.
Mother often told me, that interacting with the Asmodei is like walking through blackberry bushes.

You can hardly get through it without getting stung occasionally, but if you move too fast, you will end up with more than just a few scratches.
Now I see what she meant...that woman is just one wrong word away from pulling out that stun gun and using it against me, which I just don't see ending well, for either of us.

But I'm through with being a slave.
And if I don't make my stand here and now, she'll never accept me as a free man. It's a lot like that game some of the people back home were playing to determine who should be listening to whom.
If I back down now, I'll be back to where I started in no time.

I'm not going to let that happen.

The woman closes her eyes and apparently counts to ten or something.
I didn't even know they did that too.
Either that, or she's thinking hard about how to get rid of me.

Suddenly she opens them again and says, "Very well...I believe we...started on the wrong foot. First off, we require shelter. The pod is inoperational and it is only a matter of time, before predators decide to check out the crash site. Plus, night will inevitably fall, rendering us defenseless."

And there she goes again, using those big words I don't know.
But for some reason I don't think she's doing it to make me feel stupid.
It just doesn't feel like the mocking I know.
But then again, she isn't like anyone I've known, so maybe that's just her style of mocking me?

I shake my head and decide that there is no room for silly mind games right now.
If what she says is true, then the lights will soon go out and neither of us can see very well in the dark, from the sound of it.
And while I don't know what she means by 'predators', for some reason she seems to be afraid of them...which gives me more than enough reason to be afraid of them myself.

"" I start, suddenly realizing that I don't even know that woman's name and it doesn't seem like she likes being called 'princess' either.

I close my eyes briefly and decide that it would probably for the best, if I express some sort of interest in her as a person, after all it looks like we're going to be stuck with each other for quite a while.

"...what am I supposed to call you anyway?"
The Asmodea blinks multiple times, apparently unsure what to make of my question and before my reason even gets to intervene, my mouth already spouts out, "Excuse me, should I rephrase my question for you?"

Taken aback by my retort to her previous insult, she assumes a cocky stance again and replies, "No, that will not be necessary. I was just...surprised that you would know some actual manners, that is all. My name is Nympromedonalas Voxamy Lushomagan."

Now I need to blink and ask, "Come again, please?"
"Nympromedonalas Voxamy Lushomagan. It means..."
"Yeah well, sorry, but there's no way I can remember...or even just pronounce that. Nym...Nympro...know what, I'll call you 'Nym', okay?"
"Wha-?! How dare you..." the woman huffs and puffs, apparently not very happy with my choice, but I am quick to interrupt her, "Look, I don't mean to insult you or anything, but that name is way too fancy for me to remember. Nym is short, easy to remember and, even more importantly, quick to shout. Do you really want me to call you by that monster of a name when a...I don't know, a rock is about to fall on your head?"

Again, she closes her eyes.
When she opens them again, she replies, "Very well. I shall let it slide...for the sake of our cooperation and to accommodate for your limited cerebral capacity."
"...yeah, I don't know what you just said and frankly, I don't even want to know...either way, I'm..."
"...I know, who you are."
"You do?", I ask, genuinely surprised.
"Naturally. You are D-264."

I takes me a moment to register what she had just said.
And another moment, to quell the urge to just lunge at her and smash her skull to pieces with one of the many rocks lying around.
But I manage to smile, though it feels fake and hollow.
Judging from her face, it's also more of a grimace than a smile, but that doesn't matter.

", that is not my name."
"Of course it is. See, it is printed straight there on your shirt."
She points at a small patch on my shirt.
I grab it, feel the sutures and rip it off, tearing a big hole into my shirt and yell, "That, is, not, my, name!"
I throw the patch before her feet and keep yelling, "I am Sirus Loctor, son of Adam and Amy Loctor and you will refer to me as such!"

Nym backs down and only seconds later I realize that I'm towering over her and that she's actually shivering and cowering in fright before me.
And for whatever silly reason, I actually feel sorry.
For an Asmodea I just scared.

I guess, I have my mother to blame for that...she didn't raise someone who hits or even just scares women just because he can.

I give her some breathing room, clear my throat and apologize, "Sorry about's...a bit of an emotional topic for me."
"Y-you don't say?"

Nym takes a few seconds to recover, but eventually returns to a much more composed stance and says, "Very well then, Sirus Loctor, son of Adam and Amy Loctor, we should be on our way..."
I blink once or twice, but then I can't help but burst out laughing.

"What? What is so funny?!"
"Y'know, I know I said you will refer to me as such, but just 'Sirus' is fine. Wouldn't be very fair if I call you Nym when you need to call me by my full name and's Sirus, okay?"
"...I...think I can work with that," Nym replies with a faint smile.

Would you look at that.
There may yet be hope for that women.

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