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Waiting is the worst by itself already.
Waiting in polluted waters, where every breath you take makes you want to vomit your breakfast is even worse.

But having to fight some stupid predator fish which actually seems to enjoy the polluted waters while you're waiting is the absolute pits!

If I flee to the shore, the guard will see me and either make short work of me or at least report that I must be planning something, being stark naked and appearing from beneath the colony and all.

Swimming away wouldn't cut it either, because that thing outmaneuvers me any day

Good thing that the critter isn't particularly smart, otherwise I might well be in trouble.

It just keeps on charging at me in a streamlined motion, its maw wide open and with great speed, but fortunately very predictable.

I position myself between the critter and the colony and entice it to attack me once more.

And sure enough it comes at me with breakneck speed.

I swim out of harms way a few seconds before it tears me apart and am subsequently in the shockwave of it ramming straight into the lower end of the colony.

And while sound doesn't carry as well down here, I'm pretty sure I heard something cracking, just as the creature slowly sinks towards the ground.

Well, good much for survival of the fittest, pah.

But even though I'm pretty sure, that this one won't be getting up the very least not any time soon, I still reposition myself.

Partially, because I've seen one too many 'should be a dead a long time' critters spring back to life.
Partially because I fear that the blood that's now muddling may well attract other predators...predators that are not quite as foolish as this one.

A seemingly endless time of silence later, I detect a connection reaching out to me.
The credentials belong to Gloria.

I accept the connection and ask, "Gloria? What..."
"Whatever you are planning to do, I suggest you do it fast! Mistress Gaia will not be very happy once she wakes up again!"
"On it!" I quickly reply and sever the connection.

This may well be my only chance to do this.
If I fail here, it's all over.
And not just for me, but also for the girls who are risking their lives for my sake.

I quickly connect to the ship computer and start the program for assuming administration rights.

One chance.
And maybe ten minutes, depending on how well they knocked Gaia out.

The announcement...if even just one of the implanted ones gets into my way, if only one individual that still has any sort of access right blocks my attempt, I fail.

The risk is far too grand and yet I've taken it.
And not only did I endanger myself and, by extension, Sirus, but I've all but doomed these girls, who have chosen me over their own...led astray by a promise I quite possibly can't even keep!

There's no turning back.
For the girls.
For the humans.
For Sirus and myself...I must succeed today.

"Who's there?!" a voice booms through the ether, making my ears tingle.
A voice I've not heard before, yet it fills me with dread.

"Ah, I see what you are trying to do, little one...but I'm afraid your drones have yet to learn how to knock someone out...not that they will ever get the chance to learn about it now. Though I guess I should be thankful...all those little drones whose owners ranked above mine have relinquished their claim instead of cancelling the request...thanks to you, I shall now hold full control of the ship facilities! I shall be as a God to these people! I shall...!"

The communication suddenly breaks off, as my implant heats up, causing an immediate headache. If not for the water around me taking the heat, the sudden surge of energy might well have fried my brain!

But then, as quickly as the surge came, it's also gone is the voice.

And only seconds later, I receive a communication from the ship, "Welcome, Administrator Nympromedonalas Lushomagans. What are your orders?"

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