Nym's favor (S)

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It's been about 2 months since we pulled the stunt at the winged dog's den, as Nym called the rock formation and their inhabitants.

Training Ray has been somewhat difficult, since he doesn't have the same deep feeling of gratitude Zero used to have towards me.
How could he, really?

After all, I did not save him from being eaten, after he got expelled, but much rather I took him from his home.
His brothers and sisters...his mom.
And, to top it all off, I killed what I have to assume was his dad, pretty much right before his eyes.

That he has not yet tried to attack us during the night is a bit of a miracle by itself, probably also thanks to the solid leash we bind him with...but it's clear that he has...slight feelings of resentment against us.

Not that I can blame him, really.

We've set up camp in that forest, Zero had taken me to in order to escape the eruption. Actually, I believe Nym calls it a 'jungle', because it is so very dense and it's hard to get through all the bushes...but we are hoping, that this very density will protect us from...well, whatever lurks within the darkness.

That, and food.
A forest...or jungle or whatever...is always a good source for food.

Nym just comes in from harvesting a group of herbs we found, passing by the growling, but otherwise peaceful Ray.

"...does he have to growl at me each time I pass him?"
"We've been over this, Nym. He doesn't like us. Not one bit. The only reason why he's still with us is, because he fears that we'll kill him or his brethren if he should run...actually, I think we should just return him to his pack."

Nym looks at the bundle of fur with the small but sharp teeth, before she asks, "He really is no Zero, is he?"
"Zero is simply irreplaceable. This whole idea was stupid to begin with. Tell you what, tomorrow morning, we'll set out and return him to where he belongs. We'll manage without him."

Nym shakes her head though and replies, "No, we won't. His sense of smell and his agility are key to hunting in these parts. We...you will starve without his help."
"...but this...this is just wrong, Nym. What we...what I have done to him is unforgivable. Not even your people were so cruel to separate children from their parents to try to reeducate them into servants."

Nym looks at the ground, apparently remembering something.
And judging from the look on her face, it's something painful.

I guess, her people did do exactly that...I just didn't know thus far.
I guess that's also why she didn't even bother to object to the idea...for her, it was the natural thing to do.
The efficient thing to do.
But for me?

No, that's not me.
If one of them is to follow me, they need to do it because they want to, not because I force them to.

I get up and tell Nym, that I will return Ray to his pack and that I will not be swayed by things like 'logic' or 'reason' on this.
We're on borrowed time to begin with, so what's a little more now?
And if this turns out to be a fatal mistake, then so be it.

Nym stares into space for a few seconds and then replies, "Okay...I don't agree with you on this, but I can understand where you're coming from. Geez, you really are a big old softie, you know that?"

I just shrug and sit back down.

"Tomorrow morning is is, then...I should get to packing. After all, it's a week's worth of travel, if nothing happens."
Nym sighs, "If only at least Sera had come back...though she's probably dead by now..."
"Can't help it...what...will you be doing while I'm gone?"
"Such a silly question. I'll come with you of course. Someone's gotta look out for your sorry ass after all."

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