Captain, my captain (N)

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The next day, my father summons me to the bridge of the ship.

The last time he did that, he inadvertently sent me into a war zone.
I wonder what he wants from me this time.

I walk up behind his command chair, clear my throat and announce myself, "You wished to speak with me, Jor Lushomagans?"

He turns around, looking me up and down and nods.
"I'm glad you were able to make it. I have a question for you."

He turns back around and points towards the main screen showing the grand void beyond with countless stars whizzing past us.

"Tell me...what do you see?"
"The grand void, Jor."

My father nods again and looks my way again.
There's something strange in his eyes, though I'm not sure what it is.

"That is correct. The grand void. Do you know, just how 'grand' this void is?"

I query the ship database about information regarding my father's inquiry, however the computers deny my request with the error message, that the captain had revoked my access.

I look down at my father, who has a wry smile on his face.
"Yes, I've isolated you. Don't worry, it's only temporary, however if I wanted the ship computer's answer, I would have asked the ship computer. But I want your answer."

While confused, I still straighten myself again and reply, "Jor, whatever estimate I could possibly give would be far less accurate than the scientific..."
"So you are saying that you cannot answer the question?"
" afraid I cannot."

My father nods again and I wonder, just what he might be thinking.
I know that delinquents get isolated from the ship systems so they cannot cause any harm, but whatever wrong did I do?

"Alright, a different question...can you describe the growth cycle to me? As the manager of the gardens, this information should be second nature to you."

I tilt my head ever so slightly, wondering what the heck my father is getting at.

Apparently my confusion shows on my face, as my father gets up and puts his hands on my shoulders, looking at me sternly.

"A different question you know what our greatest strength but also our greatest weakness is?"

"I...", I start, but my mind simply goes blank.
I just don't know. There's like a thousand thoughts going through my head, but none seem to relate to the questions my father is asking.

Eventually I look up at him and reply, "My apologies, Jor, however I don't see why you are asking me all these questions, while treating me as if I had committed a crime."

He turns around, facing the main screens again and replies, "Believe me, if you had committed a crime, we wouldn't have this conversation. On the are a hero to the people. After all, it was you who informed the ship about the situation unfolding at block X. Without your valiant effort, the humans might well have been able to fortify their position, making it all the more difficult for us to put down the rebellion."

" this because I fled? Fa...Jor, I was outnumbered and outmatched! If I..."

My father turns around, looking at me the same strange expression as before.

"By no means, my dear. If you had stayed and fought, surely you would have died. No, your flight was, without a doubt, the most prudent course of action."

"Then...why? I am afraid, I do not understand."
My father turns around again, addressing the crew on the bridge and announcing, "Dear crewmates! I would like to officially introduce you to my daughter, Nympromedonalas Voxamy Lushomagans...heir to the captains seat."

The people on the bridge momentarily get up from their seats, turn around to face us and begin applauding.

They keep applauding until my father waves off.
Upon getting the signal, they turn back around, sit down again and continue their respective work.

I've seen this scene once before on the records.

It had been just like this, when my grandfather introduced my father to the crew of the bridge.
It was the first step to transferring the captains seat.

"Jor Lushomagans, I beg your pardon, but..." I start, trying to formulate a response while speaking, but I fail.

My father shakes his head and says, "I know what you mean to say. And I will admit that it is...unusual for a female to assume this chair, however you have proven that you have the required qualities and quite honestly, I would rather know you on this seat than some imbecile from one of the influential families. Now...starting today, you are no longer assigned as the manager of the gardens, but much rather you will begin your training as captain. Assuming you accept?"

"You...are actually asking me?" I ask flustered.
"Naturally. I cannot order you to assume such an important duty. It needs to be your decision alone, because it will determine your entire life from here on out."

"I...." I start, my mind being a big wreck.
"You do not have to decide straight away, don't worry. That wouldn't be fair. However I would like to ask you to assist me today. Do not worry, your other duties are well taken care for."

"I...accept your order, Jor Lushomagans," I reply, my mind still racing.
I mean, I knew this would come up sooner or later, but I never expected it to be so soon.

"Very good, I expected nothing less."

"Jor, our scanners are picking up a small asteroid belt a few hours away. Should we alter our course to avoid it?" one of the operatives suddenly asks.

"Ah yes, splendid. Captain in training, what would you suggest?"
"Y-you are asking me?!" I ask in a high-pitched voice, making some of the operatives chuckle under their breath.

"Yes, I am. I have revoked your lock, you are free to consult the ship systems to make your decision."

I take a deep breath and look at the faces of the crew who are waiting for my decision.

I query the ship systems about our fuel reserves, the estimated distance to the next viable energy source, the size of the asteroid belt, the shield strengths and whatever else I can think of.

Eventually I say, "We are going through it. Divert all available energy to the shields upon entering the danger zone."

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