The journey north (S)

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No three days later, after Nym mostly recovered from the effects of being put through this whole 'computer warfare' thing she told me about, we pack up camp.

For the first time since we landed here, for the first time in more than a year, we knew where we needed to go.

North. Towards the ocean.
And see, whether this 'vision of there being survivors' Nym had thrown my way proves to be true.

While we are walking, Nym puts on an almost cheerful front, but I can see that she's still hurting...I can see the cracks in her little facade.

She's rattled and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.
I cannot reassure her, that everything will be alright from here on out.
I cannot even promise her, that we'll find enough to eat on the path we are traveling.

As we pass through the heavy underbrush of the dense forest, I quickly sidestep and impale one of those slithering and slimy reptiles without legs I almost stepped on, just before it managed to sink it's surreally large teeth into my skin.

After making sure that it's really dead, I pick it up with my spear and fling it back into the bushes, leaving it to other animals to feed off.
I'm really not hungry at the moment and also not too keen on being poisoned.

On the second day of our journey, my worry for Nym intensifies.
We don't talk much any more, but when we do, she often seems absent minded, often repeating the same sentences multiple times or immediately forgetting what I had only just told her.

But each time I offer her to take a break, she turns me down and tells me, that it's too dangerous to stay here...the thing is, while she may not be 'wrong', I somehow don't think our well-being is the reason for her restlessness.

On the third day, we finally arrive at the edge of the forested area and look up to a seemingly infinite sea of green stretching out in front of us.

The wind is stronger out here and carries a peculiar smell with it.

"I can smell the ocean...", Nym suddenly says, staring off into the distance.
"...the ocean? Is that...what the ocean smells like?"
Nym nods and replies, "The ocean has a lot of salt in it. When the sun heats up the water, it turns to steam and takes tiny specks of salt with it, which is why the air coming from the ocean smells 'salty'."
"...but...shouldn't there be...more water here then?"
"The shore is probably behind those hills up ahead. Let's move, alright?"

Nym wants to start walking again, but I hold her back.
She stops and turns, giving me a questioning look.

"Look...I've been doing some thinking..." I start.
"Really? That's new. I hope you didn't hurt yourself."
"Really funny, ha, ha. Anyway...what...what are we going to do if they really are there? Survivors, I mean."

Nym brushes off my hand and replies, "That should be obvious...but I know it's not. all depends on who these survivors are...and how much they tolerate the 'other party'."
"...what if they still hate 'the other party'? I...I don't want to be locked up again."
"Neither do I...but standing here won't achieve a thing. So now, let's move...everything else, we can...and need to...figure out later."

I nod at Nym's words and together we start walking again.

White birds soar over our heads, cackling occasionally as we approach the small elevation blocking our sight.
However when I want to ascend the slight slope, Nym suddenly stops me.

"What is it?"
"I...I'm scared, Sirus. If...if it's humans, they will want to kill me. If it is Asmodei, they will probably kill you...and if...if there's nobody there..."

I give her a reassuring smile and reply, "If the two of us can live together in harmony and friendship, I see no reason, why the others cannot too."
" are you hoping for?"

I look up towards the lazily traveling sun and eventually reply, "I...don't know, Nym. But I know that I need to know. If there is people, we need to join up with them. And if they try to give me trouble, you just give them hell...and I will do the same for you. Sounds good?"

Nym flashes me a bright smile, while pushing a strand of hair from her face and nods, however does not let go of my hand.

I look down at her again when I notice the pull and now there's a strange expression on her face.

I nod, grab her hand tightly and together we ascend the slope.

Whatever awaits us, we will face it together.
And we will do it with our heads held high.

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