Contemplation (N)

20 3 1

How cute.

Just one little sneeze because something tickles my nose and he's all worried about me. Humans really are simple creatures.
He probably thinks I'm cold from the rain and the wind...goes to show what he knows about my people.

Still, I choose to entertain his opinion of me and pretend to be shivering.
He already thinks I'm weak and vulnerable, so I might as well take advantage of this silly sense of moral of his.

Let's see...I may be fine with being wet and all, but he is a land dweller by nature...he'll be cold before long.

Plus, night will fall really soon, meaning we will be left without light if we don't do something quickly. And then the predators will find us...

Fire! We need a fire.
Fire will keep the cold, the darkness and the animals away.

I tell him, still pretending to be on the verge of dying from the cold.
"...and where would we get this 'fire'?"
Right...why do I keep forgetting that he has no clue about anything?

"Wood! G-gather wood! Wood burns!"
Oh Garkla, keeping this act up gets really annoying...but if I drop it now, he'll get angry with me again...better dry myself in the light of the fire and let him feel like a hero...he should like that.

"Don't worry, Nym. Shouldn't be too difficult to find a few sticks," he says and heads towards the entrance of the cave.

Completely unarmed.
I knew he wasn't the brightest, but I didn't think he was that dumb.

"W-wait!" I shout after him.
He turns around again and looks at me with asking eyes.
"T-take a w-weapon with you. T-there might be m-monsters out there!"

He looks at me with a mild expression on his face and replies, "Don't worry. They can't possibly be worse than you guys. But thanks for the heads up."

And with that, he disappears into the cloudy dusk, leaving me alone.

Once I made sure that he is, in fact, gone, I let out a long sigh, slip out of my clothes and wrench them dry, catching the water in a small depression in the cave.

That reminds me, that we'll need to find water and food soon.
Let's see...stale water tends to be a great place for various microorganisms to thrive, so storing the water will not be simple.

We'd be better off to find a river or something.
Speaking of microorganisms, I start checking myself for cuts or other wounds, where germs might enter my body, but can't make out any.

All those I had from the crash got fixed up by the nanites from the emergency syringe and I nod satisfied.

I stretch myself and start pondering my situation, while the wind continues to howl outside.

I feel the uneven rocky floor under my bare feet and look over to the shoes I left to dry a little bit.
The heels are completely unfit for running, as I had to learn earlier and will break off sooner rather than later with the uneven territory.

No, these shoes won't last me very long out here...I'll need to find a way to make new shoes.

And new clothes as well, the ones I had are nothing but rags any more...but just for the moment both will have to do.

I shake my head and look towards the cave entrance, where the thunderstorm finally seems to have passed and the last rays of the evening sun are breaking through the clouds, painting the trees beyond the cave in a golden light.

I sit down on my clothes and think, 'That's what Earth must have looked like before the humans ruined it...'

Suddenly I hear yelling from the distance and I quickly put my hand to my waist to pull my gun, only to realize that I'm still naked.

I hurry and slip back into my clothes and run towards the cave entrance, leaving my shoes behind, the little stones pricking my feet on every second step.

That guy better be in big trouble!

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